Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sunrise - A New Day

It has been awhile since I have blogged and I have to say that I am sorry. I have been going through a rough time this summer and I have totally checked out with my friends, and blog. I wrote an article about empty nest syndrome but I never realized at how bad I had the empty nest syndrome.  I have devoted my whole life to my two children and when the reality came that they were leaving in three months it hit me like a big mac truck. You could say I had gone through a depression all summer. I wanted to be with my kids 24-7 until they left. It is now going on two months of the kids at college and every day I have gotten better.

I truly believe until you get it straightened out about yourself in your brain, losing weight will be in the form of yo-yo dieting. True, we need to exercise and eat right but a BIG journey in weight loss comes with believing in yourself and likening yourself to know that you are worth it.

 I am on a journey of self-acceptance, believing in myself that I can lose this weight. I want to thank Kathy for giving quotes and tips in helping all of us through this journey of finding ourselves.  Everyday has gotten better in this change in my life. A friend told me that I am sabotaging myself into not having a good life. “Life is not over, it is only beginning for you, now is the time to work on Julie and enjoy life now,” she said.

 As I am taking my friends advice, I started this week walking on my tread mill and this Thursday I made an appointment to start working with weights at the YMCA on my lunch hour.

So many changes that I have made including a new job working in the Health Department that I enjoy so much! God is always watching over us. I don’t know what holds in the future for me but I know I don’t want to waste any more time feeling sorry for myself. So guess what...I’m back!

NOTE: When I wrote this blog a few days later Kathy had lost everything due to a fire. She has stayed so positive and I look back and am thankful for Kathy being an inspiration to us all. She has not complained and she has stayed positive through this horrible time in her life. This was a big lesson for me to learn. Thanks Kathy for bringing us all back to reality and helping us realize that there is always a new morning for each dark night.


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