Thursday, December 19, 2013

Journey to Health with Julie and Kathy 2014 Topics

Update from Kathy...

A couple days ago Julie and I met at The Optimist Store to go over our list of possible topics for our Journey to Health podcast that will begin January 7, 2014. We both made an A-Z list of topics that interest us and that we think may interest our audience too. I love the variety of the topics and think it will add some spice to our show. Although our primary focus will be on women's health and wellness topics, we believe many of the topics will appeal to men as well.

Below is a portion of our test podcast that gives you a sneak peak of the topics we have in mind for 2014. This is all new to us, so we hope you bare with us as we work out the technical details of producing a podcast and vlog. We would love your feedback and participation. Please subscribe to our updates so that you can take the journey with us. We want to get healthy and help as many people as we can along the way!


  1. Our email address is

  2. Our Facebook fan page address is
