Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Today is the first day that reality has hit.  I weighed myself and saw on the scale 218.6 pounds. I am going on this adventure and I hope you join me.  I don't know all the answers and that is where my journey begins.  I am going to write and put myself out there for others to learn with me.

 People have asked me why I would do this.  I know the pain of not wanting to go to places for fear of someone seeing me. The anger at myself for having to take medicine because of my weight gain, I did this to myself.  I want answers and I want to help others in this journey.  If it only helps one person then it is all worth it to me. We all hear from people who lost the weight, and look all fit and thin but, do they tell you about the struggles along the way.  I am going to let you know about my good days and not so good days in my journey. 

I am going to interview all types of people that can help us in all different areas in getting healthy.  I believe it is not all about food.  Weight gain is about all different areas in our life.  Mind, Body, and Spirit. So many questions to ask and answers to unlock the secret that we all are looking for.  A healthy person and a new beginning in 2014.



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