Sunday, July 20, 2014

Reprogramming My Mind

When I'm asked what church I go to, the first one that comes to mind is Lakewood. I like going to church in my underwear and I love listening to Joel Osteen. It is a toss up between him and Joyce Meyer on who is my favorite pastor. Both of them preach messages that speak to me.

This morning I was watching and listening to Joel Osteen preach about reprogramming your mind. What a timely message that is for me. I truly believe as Joel said that the enemy uses negative messages and events to create viruses in our mind and that those messages are only a seed. We decide whether to water those messages and make them grow.

I have spent a lifetime weeding out negative messages that were planted in my mind as a child when I didn't know any better than to let them grow out of control to the point where it affected my self-esteem and made me want to seek refuge in comfort foods and retreat from the enemy behind layers of fat. I am learning the truth, that the enemy has also used food to create false fixes that have led to further harm to my body.

Armed with this mindful awareness, I know what I have to do. I have to give the whole mess over to God first of all. I know I cannot fight this battle alone. I then have to reprogram my mind so that I am able to consistently do the things that make me healthy in mind, body and spirit.

Listening to positive messages of God's favor like Joel and Joyce share helps me tremendously. I truly believe that if we nourish our mind with messages of faith and hope that we can develop the strength to turn our life around and live the abundant life God wants us to live. And conversely, if we listen to negative news and messages all day long, that will affect our mind too.

It is a constant battle to tune out the negativity that surrounds me and not let it seep into my soul. I am grateful for those who share God's grace and give us words of encouragement to hang on to as we make the journey forward to our healthiest, happiest life.

I am blessed. I am healthy. I have God's favor. Those are the messages I am reprogramming my mind with today and hope you do too!


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