Sunday, July 6, 2014

Flip The Switch

“If you can change certain key choices — your diet, how you handle stress, your physical activity — it’s like writing notes in the margin of your genome, and you can flip the switch to support and protect your health.” ~ Pam Peeke, The Hunger Fix

Do you believe it is possible to flip the switch off to eating sugar and junk food? That is what I am going to do tomorrow. I am flipping the switch off for one year as an experiment and hopefully, for good so that I can lead a healthier life which will take me to the places I want to go. I want to believe it's true. That I can go from self-medicating with food to using it strictly as nourishment. Balancing my protein and carbs, just fueling my body, not eating for comfort or entertainment. I just bought the book, The Hunger Fix by Pam Peeke and she says that our choices can indeed flip the switch to help us lead healthier lives. We will see. I will let you know how it goes. You are welcome to join the journey at any time you choose!


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