Monday, June 30, 2014

Choose to be Happy!

It is raining outside today. It is so dreary out and the sun in hiding. Does this make or break my day? I choose to be happy no matter what the weather is doing today. It is all about my attitude in how I choose to feel about today. I could complain and be miserable or choose to be happy.

My mom used to tell me no matter where you are or what you are doing choose to find the good in any situation and choose to be happy. I never really understood that quote my mom said until I go older. There are some days it is really hard to have this outlook on life, but it is a choice. Our attitude plays a big role in our life. I know I could be depressed at working to lose weight but in my mind I am choosing to see me happy and healthy. I am telling myself that I can lose this weight and it will happen.

If you have the feeling that life won’t change, shake that bad mindset off and get a new outlook and tell yourself that this is only temporary. Your rainbow has always been right in front of you. You just have to believe and be happy.

I know after this rainy, dreary day a rainbow will appear any minute, and look at the picture below. It did appear…..right in front of me. Now to find my pot of gold!  

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