Saturday, April 19, 2014

Empty Nest

Where has all the time went? Seems like when we get older the time flies even faster and we see our life passing by so quickly. I remember just yesterday when my two kids were starting school, and then they were seniors. When I look back in my mind, I miss all of those times when they were growing up. You do not have to diagnose my case; I know I am going through empty nest syndrome. My son is in college and now my daughter is leaving for law school in August.

I have defined my life around my two children. My world has always centered on what my kids are doing and what they need. Now, I must face they are all grow up now and starting new lives of their own. I would like to be selfish and keep them with me always but I do have to let them go to spread their wings.

Now starts a new journey for me. I have to look at my future as a new beginning. Now comes the hard part and that is doing it alone. I have always had my kids around and I know they are not going far but this will be a whole different life for me.  But, I have joined the YMCA and I have lots of friends to go places with so I do not think I will ever become bored. Changes come to us all in our lives. We must accept change and look for the positive in that change. Working on my health is a big priority in my life now.  I do not want to be a burden on my kids when I get older. I know there are times when things happen in life and we do need to rely on our family but until I can help it I will work on it!

So here is to letting go and looking forward to new beginnings and renewed health. Eating right, exercising, and working on my mind and spirit. Wow, I am already busy! New beginnings for all of the three of us, life is forever changing and I must accept change.

I will always be mom but now at a distance, but you know what I have always heard? Sometimes your kids come back home with interest, (new family additions) that will be fun to look forward to in the future!  Are you an empty nester?  If you are, this article is dedicated to you. Here is to a new beginning!


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