Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vegan Flatizza Flat Bread Pizza

As of Easter I decided to go from a vegetarian diet to a vegan diet, well technically "beegan" because I still use honey occasionally in my lemon water. I may transition away from that too eventually, but I'm taking it a step at a time. The only thing I think I will miss is pizza. We usually have pizza from a restaurant every week. I'm looking forward to making my own plant based veggie pizza using non-dairy cheese. I am seriously considering writing to Subway and asking if they would offer non-dairy cheese for their Flatizza. I'm sure I could make those at home too, but I am always on the go and it sure is nice to have options at restaurants besides salad and baked potatoes!

In fact, I'm going to make a  flat bread vegan pizza at home. I will let you know how it turns out. Seems like it would be easy to make:

Flat bread
Tomato paste
Veggies of Your Choice (I use Black olives, Onions, Green peppers, Tomatoes)
Non-Dairy Cheese
Herbs of Your Choice (I use Oregano, Basil, Fennel)

Mix herbs with tomato paste and spread mixture on flat bread, chop and top with veggies.Sprinkle on herbs. Add non-dairy cheese. Toast a few minutes until cheese melts. Enjoy!


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