Sunday, April 27, 2014

Shame on Them!

This is the best Medicine!

As I was working around the house I had my TV on and an info commercial came on and it really hit a nerve with me. The info commercial was about taking a pill and being able to eat anything that you want and still lose a lot of weight. This is crazy! People are so desperate to lose weight that companies like this capitalize on the emotions of an overweight person. Shame on this company! I even had a diet company steal a post on my Facebook and put a post-up to buy a diet pill. Again, shame on them.

Even though we would love for this to be true, this is not reality. As I have taken on this journey of losing weight I have had ups and downs, good days and bad days. I have found out that so much of gaining weight involves our mind; it is not all about the food. Our minds tell us to eat more and more food, but our bodies are telling us, please slow down I can’t handle all of this food. It is a need that we are trying to fill and we need to find out what that need is and not replace it with food. I am working on this area right now in a book called The Daniel Plan. This book is helping me rethink about so many things in my life that I need to change. We would love for you to join our group or you could even check this book out.

If just taking a diet pill would help me feel better, look better, and never feel the need to overeat and eat healthy all the time, then this diet pill would be a pill from Heaven.  Please don’t waste another dollar on these crazy lies from unreliable companies. You may lose weight at first but in the long run it just shadows the problem, it does not solve it. A lot of times it just brings back more weight.  Trust your true instincts and spend your money on healthy choices to help improve your health not hurt it.

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