Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Self Sabotage vs Bold Vision

I have managed to gain back the 10 lbs I lost during the Great Weight Off Challenge! I have been off track with my eating for the past couple weeks. I did one of the worst possible things one can do while pursuing a healthier lifestyle, which is to have junk food in the house. It's nearly impossible to resist cookies, chips, ice cream, cereal, sweet tea, etc. when it's in my personal space. I also got off track on the daily exercise routine and I haven't been drinking much water. So, combine those three things and it's no wonder my weight has crept back up. I am accepting full responsibility for my actions and getting back on track first thing in the morning. I'm getting the junk food back out of the house, exercising first thing in the morning right after I brush my teeth, and filling a gallon jug of water which I will drink before I drink anything else. I'm praying for strength to stick with the plan.

Speaking of plans, our study group is on week 4 of The Daniel Plan. It is helpful, but I think I'm going to have to go through the program again to absorb it all. There is a lot of information in the program and the format is confusing. The material makes sense, I just need to go through it again and put the plan in action!

I have a BOLD vision for my life that includes abundant health and energy. I will never give up on this dream. I am speaking on the topic of boldly living your vision at the Broken Beautiful Live Event in Marion, Indiana on May 10th. Even though I am struggling with my weight and have occasional setbacks, I am still in a better place than I was a couple years ago when I was in the hospital fighting for my life because of abscessed diverticulitis. I am keeping the faith that I will overcome this food addiction and live God's plan for my life which includes inspiring others to live their best life too. Together, we can do this!

Wishing You Abundant Health & Happiness,

Kathy Gerstorff

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