Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sick Day

I can't breathe through my nose!

I have been sick for two weeks, and I am done dealing with this crazy cold. I have not felt like exercising or even eating right for two weeks. I have not been sick for a long time. Since I have worked at school and worked with sick children my immunity was built up. Now in my job at the courthouse I work with customers and money. Everyone has been sick at work, and so have many customers have been sick as well. I had thought in the back of my mind that I would be immune to what was going around because I had not been sick for a long time. Well, I was wrong; this cold crept up on me in the middle of the night.
I thought by exercising and eating right I had boosted immunity on my side. But, over the past two weeks I never missed work and I never had to stay in bed all day feeling miserable. Sure, I did not feel good at all, but I never had a fever and I was never so sick that I could not get out of bed. I really believe that exercising and eating healthier has helped me fight this cold. It could have been worse. The problem that I had was that when I was little my mom always gave us Sprite or 7-up to help us feel better and yes I did drink sprite over the past two weeks. I drank pop and I even had some candy, which I thought might help me feel better. I have no idea where I got that idea from. I’ll just claim that my cold made me delusional. The last two weeks of not living a healthy life has not only thrown me off track, it has also turned two weeks of potential progress into two weeks of weight gain. I now have to detox myself again from pop.
Today, I begin again. I feel better, and I am able to breathe! All in time for this great 70 degree weather to enjoy. There are so many hurdles in our way and so many detours we have to take in our path to live a healthier life. We need to not beat ourselves up (like I have these last two weeks) and look forward to a new start.
After writing this blog I am going out for a walk to enjoy the day and to enjoy and believe in a new day for a new me. Thank heavens there are better days always ahead, and that is what today is for me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are feeling better Julie! I agree, your healthier lifestyle has likely helped you heal quicker. Praying for a speedy recovery. Way to get back on track!
