Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Club


It is healthy for us to have good friends and to spend time with each other. I am involved in a club that is filled with great friendships.  When I was going through a divorce years ago, I just wanted to hide from the world. This group of ladies called me up and ask me to be a part of their group. I am so thankful that I joined. These ladies have helped bring me out of my shell. I have attended concerts, went on shopping trips, and I have ate out at fun places with this group. These are things that I would have never done if I had not joined this fun group of ladies!

I made the decision a couple of years ago to move back to my hometown, which is about thirty minutes away from the place that I have called home for almost half of my life.  I felt that I was losing my friends, but this was a desion that I had to make for both my family and myself.  But I never did lose my friends. I still go once a month to my club and nothing has changed. My club even came over this week to my house, and we had a great time enjoying each other’s company.

We ALL need to spend time with friends. It helps us in so many ways mentally and physically. It is important to have friends to listen to you and to help you just by being there and the other way around. Friends are there for you during your times of need, and they are there for you to have a cup of coffee and to laugh over good times.

This blog is dedicated to my wonderful group of friends. I do not know what I would have ever done without any of them. They have all been my rock and have offered great stability in my walk of life, and I know we will always be close friends.

As the great Helen Keller said, “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” How true this statement is! Call a friend today and make a memory together.


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