Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Praise for the Day!

This morning when I got up out of bed I could not believe how beautiful it was outside. I heard the birds chipping with my windows open and smelled the crisp cool air. The temperature outside was perfect.  As I sat with my dog on the couch I could not help but to be thankful for this day. I sometimes take beautiful days for granted.  If you really look you see miracles all around us. We all (including me) worry about our weight, everyday issues, and money on a daily basis.  I am going to take today and smell the roses and be glad I am alive to enjoy the blessings of the day.

I am going outside to walk around and thank the Lord for all that He has given me in this day. How many times do you just stop what you are doing and look around and see the miracles of the day? Put your worries aside and look up and say, thank you for this day, the first day of Summer.

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