Monday, June 9, 2014


This picture is from the Disney movie called “Up” it goes right along with my blog because the dog in this movie always gets distracted when he sees a squirrel. How many times do we get distracted from our goals in one day?

In Church today my pastor spoke about distractions. This sermon really hit hard with me in a lot of areas in my life. Since The Great Weight Off has been over I have had a lot of distractions when it comes to working on my weight loss.

I could not wait for summer to be here and now that it is I have been distracted.  I have not been a good role model that I would like to be. I have allowed all these distractions to take over and I have gained weight in the process. Cookouts, weddings, graduations, and my kids coming home for the summer. Sure, I have been having fun and enjoying life I will admit to that, but I am slowly slowing down and getting back to the old me and I am getting very tired, not energized like I used to be. I am making wrong food choices and not exercising like I should and it is my own fault.

I felt better in the horrible winter only because I was losing weight and feeling good and going to the YMCA.  As they say that you can only play so long before life catches us with you.

Do any of you let distractions get in your way of your goals? I am not going to say “No” in having fun this summer.  I am going to make better food choices and I will keep my eye on my goal in winning this weight battle! Great Sermon today Pastor John!  Thanks for helping me keep on track in so many areas of life.

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