Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Color Me Pink

I have always heard that the best way to get in shape is to train for an event. It makes sense, but I've never done it before, ever! I have never had an interest in running, which at a Freudian glance I would say stems from childhood trauma surrounding sports. I was always last to be picked for teams during gym. I was made fun of for being big and awkward, and I was picked on by a basketball coach. 

When I was in 4th or 5th grade, in front of what felt like the entire school that was watching track tryouts, I said I could run faster with my shoes off. It didn't help a bit. I was way behind the slowest running kids and my feet were on fire from running on the scorching asphalt. That was the first time I remember the feeling of being embarrassed. There were many times I felt embarrassed after that experience, but that was the first time and here I am almost a half century later recalling it! 

So, when I hear about a "fun" run, I normally tune it out as fast as I turn screeching head banger music off of my radio. But, when it's attached to a good cause, it gets my attention. 

I just heard about a 5K Color Fun Run and Walk Family Challenge Day that Cancer Services of Grant County and She 4 Life is hosting at Matter Park, October 4, 2014 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. I know so many people who are dealing with cancer. I have lost loved ones to cancer. I would walk across the United States and beyond if I thought it would help cure that devastating disease. 

Immediately after deciding to "train" for this event, I wondered how one can go from the couch to a 5K Run. I have to admit, I have been sedentary for way too long! It would be a dream come true to be able to do a 5K and keep up with the crowd. It would be like the adult me helping the child in me cross that finish line! 

I Goggled Couch to 5K and found a Running Plan. There is even a Couch to 5K App on iTunes. I'm going to give it a try. I will be in Florida during this particular event, but I'm going to train for it and support them anyway. Who knows where it will lead. At the very least, it will help me overcome my reluctance (fear) of participating in sports, help me get healthier, and help others in the process. That's a worthy cause indeed! 

What about you... Have you trained for an event? Did it help you stick with your exercise routine? Did you lose weight and get in shape as a result? Maybe this 5K Color Fun Run or some other worthy event is on your radar too. If you want to train for your first 5K, let me know and perhaps we can do a Couch to 5K together.

Go Pink! 

Kathy Gerstorff

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