Sunday, June 1, 2014

Garden Time!


Tilling the Garden
It is garden time and I love seeing all the vegetables growing and flowers blooming. Summer is finally here! Hip Hip Hooray! My nephew Tony tilled my garden so I could start my planting. I planted green beans, corn, radish, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, and sunflowers for the birds.  I plan to plant big and little pumpkins later next month. I think that I planted too early because after I planted the garden, a big rain came and flooded a lot of the garden. I have to replant a few vegetables that didn’t make it due to the rain. If you are not able to plant a garden, check out the farmer’s markets. They always have fresh tasting fruit and vegetables.

In the picture below you see my mom and I picking green beans at my grandparent’s home in 1972. I sure didn’t look to excited to pick green beans. Yes, I ALWAYS complained about going over to my grandparents’ house to work in the garden. I used to tell my mom all the time that when I grew up I was NEVER going to have a garden and I was going to be rich and live in a city where I could have a life of luxury.  Well guess I ate my words. I moved back home and I now live in my grandparent’s house and I have planted a garden. Never, ever say never! J

Now looking back the grass was not greener on the other side. So, now I am back home and enjoying what I had all along and I never knew it when I was younger.  Maybe If I work hard enough I could be as skinny when I was a little kid. Doesn’t hurt to dream and make it a reality!

One thing that I do not like about working in the garden is picking green beans with the bugs! L  Bring on the bug spray!


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