Friday, June 6, 2014

Do Protein Meal Replacement Supplements Really Help?

In 2013, I drank Vegan Chocolate Shakeology nearly every morning for breakfast. I like the flavor and it was a quick meal. I often added a frozen banana, fresh spinach, almond milk, and PB2 powdered peanut butter to the mixture. It was as good to me as any milkshake I ever tasted and there was no guilt afterwards! My junk food cravings subsided and I lost 25 lbs. After a few months, I noticed my knees and elbows stopped aching and my energy level increased. I felt like exercising and wanted to move around more. The quality nutrition combined with the exercise was giving me more energy and I felt better than I had in years. Was this a placebo reaction? I expected it to help me and it did? This year, in 2014, I have discovered the answer to that question is NO.

In January, I ran out of Shakeology and didn't replace it because money is tight and I felt $120 a month was too expensive. I wanted to try other brands like Vega One, Peaceful Planet, and Garden of Life, but I just never got around to doing it. What has happened these past six months astounds me. Uncontrollable cravings for junk food returned. I gained back the 25 lbs I lost in 2013. The joint aches have returned and my energy level has dropped considerably. Was it eating just the banana and spinach that was helping me? No, I tried that smoothie and it didn't satisfy me or hold me over like Shakeology. I think it had to do with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals Shakeology provides. It also had to do with consistency. When I had the protein supplement, I drank it every morning instead of skipping breakfast or eating high-sugar foods.

I found out that Shakeology contains MSM which is a naturally occurring substance in plants that helps alleviate joint paint. I purchased that on Amazon and yesterday I purchased a Peaceful Planet protein supplement for $20 at the local health food store. I am going to see if this combination works. I know that you often get what you pay for, but I also know Shakeology is overpriced because they have to compensate their sales reps, aka "coaches" which I totally respect. I was a Beachbody coach in 2013 and I know how much work goes into what they do. It's an awesome company and I love their mission to help end the trend of obesity.  Their exercise programs rock too and I spent a fortune on them as well. I may go back to being a coach someday who knows, but my focus right now is providing my body quality nutrition at an affordable price. I know ideally that just eating fresh fruit with some form of plant protein is what is recommended by many holistic professionals. But, here's the deal, I don't always have fresh fruit available which leads to inconsistency in my diet and then the roller coaster ride begins. I want something that I know is providing the quality nutrition my body needs. I know as a vegetarian I need to supplement vitamin B12, so my thought process is if I have to supplement anyway, I may as well do it with a protein supplement that has the daily requirements my body needs, tastes good, and fills me up.

I want to be healthy, I want my energy back. I want to be at a manageable weight where I feel good in my skin. I don't think that's too much to ask of myself and I will never stop trying to find the right combination that helps me achieve that goal.

I know how controversial and confusing it is around the subject of diet and nutrition.I think we can all learn from each other, but we have to do what works for us individually.

Wishing you abundant peace, health and happiness.

Kathy Gerstorff

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