Monday, June 23, 2014

Live the Life

Summer is finally here and that means swim time! I love to swim, do you? I opened my pool a few weeks ago and I had two little fish come to swim at my house. The two little fish is my nephews, Ian and Isaac. They could not wait to jump in the cold pool. (I had just opened the pool) They did not care about the temperature, they just wanted to jump in and have a great time!

What happens to us as we get older? We are not like children and just jump in and enjoy life. We give excuses that the water is to cold, I don’t want to get wet, and I don’t want to be seen in my bathing suit. I say, “Who cares just jump in like a kid and enjoy the life,” We only live once so make the most of it!

I believe learning how to swim is very important. It is never too late. My mom wanted all four of us girls to learn how to swim because she was never very comfortable in water. Swimming is great exercise also. If you have joint problems water exercise is the way to go. I like to water walk and enjoy the outside all while staying cool in the hot summer.

I have more nephews and nieces coming to swim throughout the summer. What a great time for spending time with family and watching all the children teach the adults about fun and exercise.

So come on and jump in and be like a kid and live the life. J

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