Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pursuing Your Dream

Believing in a Dream
I cannot say enough about Walt Disney the man. If he was alive today can you imagine what he would say? He built the happiest place on earth. With his dreams he makes millions of people smile every day. He had the courage and confidence to take a chance and believe in his dreams. When I was in eighth grade my friend and her family took me to this magical place called Disneyworld.  A place that I would never forget. When my friend and I turned 50 last year we took a road trip to Disneyworld again, together with both our families and the memories was in the making!

What about your dreams? Are you pursuing your dreams right now? We all have different types of dreams. Small and large dreams, we can make them come true if we believe. I love the quote that Walt Disney stated, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Wow, that says it all in that one quote.

My dream is to lose weight and live a healthy, happy life, and another dream that I have is to start writing again. I am working on both. Life is so short and as Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Live that dream and remember that with Disney it all started with a mouse.

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