Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What do Blogs and Diets have in Common?

Blogs remind me a lot of diets in that I get all excited about it at first then it fizzles out. I think I'm going to accomplish this big giant goal of transforming my life and helping others do the same which can happen, but it's not overnight, maybe not even in the first year. It takes moment to moment actions, sticking to your daily routine, consistently taking positive action, and keeping the faith. Blogging and diets have those things in common, in fact any successful endeavor does. You do it even when you don't feel like it because you've made the commitment. I committed to writing this "weight loss, wellness, women's health" blog for one year. I will stick to it. I committed to getting healthier. It is a monumental task at times, but I continue to keep getting back up when  fall off the wagon and keep trying again and again and again. I will never give up. Focusing on what I want rather than what I don't want helps. I have forgotten the scales except during fitness challenges when it's part of the requirements. I like fitness challenges because it helps me stay focused and on track. I'm starting a new one June 1st with my Beachbody coach, Clarissa Lupton. YOU are welcome to join us. Just go to her page and tell her you want in! She has helped thousands of people lose weight and get healthy. I'm sure she can help us too!

I wish you abundant health and happiness,


P.S. Check out my new business venture at It's keeping me busy and moving and hanging out more with my husband and family, which is a good thing. Sitting too long at the computer is not healthy and neither is isolation. Time to move it, move it. Peace, love and apple slices!

Monday, May 26, 2014


As I looked out the window this week I saw a hummingbird drinking the nectar that I had put out for the beautiful hummingbirds. I thought about at how the hummingbirds are attracted to the red color and the sweet nectar. These birds are just like us in a way. We as humans are so attracted to sugar and the color red makes us eat more. 

Have you ever seen an overweight hummingbird? Now that is a funny picture in my mind.  I think that these birds are not overweight because they get their exercise by flapping their wings at a high rate of speed. What a great way to burn a lot of calories. lol

Oh, if I could just eat sugar and feel good all the time, I would be a content person. But I know this is not reality so I must try to stay away from sugar so I can feel good.

I wonder in a hummingbird’s life if they ever feel sick after eating all that sugar, just a thought.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cravings, Willpower and Shakeology... Keeping It Real

There are times when I just want to give up the pursuit of a "healthy" lifestyle. It shouldn't be this hard. I should want to eat nutritious food and exercise and drink lots of water but the truth is sometimes I don't and I pay a high price for that choice. The price I am paying now for eating junk "crap" food is that I feel like crap and it becomes a vicious cycle. I get tired easy and feel lethargic. Winded. I just want to sit down. Rest. That's not how I want to live my life. That's why I keep trying. Keep chugging along, no matter how many times I fail.

I love how I feel when I eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I can tell that it gives me more energy. So why, why, why do I keep buying and eating the crap food? The chips, the cookies, the pizza. I say I want to change, I truly do, but it's the commitment that's so hard to keep. I've ran out of excuses. I want to give excuses. I want to say the stress is high and that I don't have time because I have so many other things going on, but those words are hot air that wouldn't even hold up a balloon. I know better. I have been off track for weeks. I have gained back all the weight I worked so hard to lose at the first of the year. My weight is hovering around 300 again. So, what am I going to do about it? That's the question. What are you going to do about it? Am I going to keep following this roller coaster ride to health my entire life? I really want to get a grip. Sometimes I wish I could just go to a retreat like Gabriel Cousins or the McDougall's have. Just stay somewhere for a couple months to detox and clean up my body, mind and spirit. Environment makes a huge difference, I know that. I know that I can't be surrounded by junk food and expect my willpower to remain high. I keep doing fitness Challenges hoping that will keep me motivated to stay on track. It helps in the beginning. I get all fired up, but then it fizzles out like a fireworks. It's beautiful for a moment, but quickly burns out.

Here is one thing I know. I have been out of vegan Shakeology for a couple months and my cravings have been out of control. So, from what I am seeing it's drink Shakeology cravings OFF, don't drink Shakeology cravings ON. I know it's best to eat clean, natural, fresh, unprocessed food, but if I'm going to eat junk food what am I accomplishing. I was going to try Vega One because I heard the ingredients were similar with the exception of MSM which I purchased separately on Amazon. Vega One is half the price of Shakeology, so I'm curious to see if it works as well. I have tried just fruit and veggie smoothies and it does not control my cravings. I know I need to drink more water too, but I want to do what works, what I will stick with doing on a consistent basis. I loved it when I drank Shakeology (by the way I am no longer a Beachbody coach, so I have nothing to gain from anything I say about their products). It was quick, easy, and kept me feeling satiated for 3-4 hours. AND I didn't have those little joint aches like in my elbows and knees. I found out that it is the MSM that helps with that.

So, that's where I'm at. I am starting another 30 day Challenge June 1st. I would LOVE to also do a RAW Food Challenge during that time too. We will see. I'm learning to take baby steps when it comes to transforming to a healthier lifestyle.

I wish everyone who happens upon this blog abundant peace, love, health and happiness!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spiritual Health

My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you -- I, whom you have redeemed.

PSALM 71:23

Mark your calendars! Jeff Bates is coming June 1st to Maple Run Friends Church. Jeff Bates is a fantastic award winning country singer. His story has inspired so many of all ages. You or someone you know may have lost everything because of past mistakes.  Put your trust in Jesus and keep looking forward and see the blessings and miracles that bring forth in a new restored life.  Jeff Bates is a walking testimonial in how God made his paths straight.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Dear past, thank you for your lessons. Dear future, I’m ready. Dear God, thank you for giving me another chance.”  When I read this passage I thought about the upcoming concert with Jeff Bates.  Jesus was with him in all his times and troubles and now look at his life….Blessed.

Come to Maple Run Friends Church on June 1st and bring family and friends to let this concert bring sunshine to your soul!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vegan vs Vegetarian

So much for my going "vegan" plan. This is the third time I've tried it and I keep going back because of cheese on pizza which I have almost every week. I still want to try making my own pizza at home using non-dairy cheese and see how that goes. I often get asked what the difference between vegetarian and vegan is. Vegan's do not eat anything animal related which means no milk, cheese, eggs, or honey (some vegans eat honey, but most don't. I guess the vegans who eat honey would be called "beegans" :). Vegetarians don't eat meat but do occasionally consume honey, eggs and dairy. I love honey. There is a difference between the honey that is in the big box stores and raw, organic honey from your local bee farmer. I always buy local. I once used honey and lemon to overcome a year long lung infection. I am totally sold on the medicinal properties in honey. 

Regardless of vegetarian or vegan, there are still many junk foods available on both lifestyles which is why "plant-based" is really the diet I should be pursuing. I'm working on it. It's a process, but I have to admit when the stress level is high as it has been the past couple months, I revert  back to comfort foods. It's an automatic habit that I am working hard to overcome. 

This is also the last week of our group book study of The Daniel Plan. I really liked all the information, but the program was a little confusing to follow since I didn't read ahead. I plan to go through the program again in a few weeks. I want to offer it online for those who cannot attend a meetup in person. Now that I'm more familiar with it, I plan to follow the detox program this next time through. Even though I was going to the meetings, I really wasn't all in and following the suggested plan. I will write up a review and what I got out of the program and post it next week. There was one thing that really stood out to me and that is how dangerous it is to sit for long periods of time. They said it's the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes! I have sat down for every job I have ever had except when I was 16 and working in the cornfields. I really need to make an effort to get up and move more often instead of sitting still for long periods of time in front of a computer screen. The study they talk about in the book said sitting still stops your ability to burn fat. Makes sense to me since it seems like an uphill battle to lose weight. I will not give up though. I will keep making incremental improvements until it all accumulates into taking me to my ideal weight and abundant health. That's the plan!

I hope you have a healthy and happy weekend!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

A mother holds her children’s hands for a while but their hearts forever

Today is Mother’s Day and I wanted to dedicate this blog to my mom. I am who I am because of this wonderful woman that was my best friend. I miss her every day and miss all the fun times that we had together.  She was a little woman that was only five feet tall, but she was stronger than an ox. She worked hard on the farm and raised four girls. She also played the organ and piano for our church.

She always made sure we ate healthy and ate from the garden. She loved all the healthy foods that we are to eat. We rarely went out to eat and when we did it was a big treat. It was also a big treat to get one candy bar when we went once a month to the grocery store.  When I left home and got married, I did not keep up with the healthy pattern that she set for us kids when we were at home.

Now I need to honor my mom by living the life that she wanted for me. She wanted her family to be healthy and she always loved for us to be together as a family. She loved her church, my dad, her family, and the farm.  She lived a full life.  When I think about my mom I think of laughter. She loved to laugh; I bet that is how she kept so beautiful in all ages of her life.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, may you all enjoy this day through your memories of your mom and making memories with your own family. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Quick Update Glute Challenge Daniel Plan

I just want to post today a quick update with what's going on with my wellness and weight loss journey. A couple days ago I started doing a "Glute Challenge" where every day you do progressively more squats, lunges and jumping jacks. I have to modify the lunges and especially the jumping jacks, but I'm still doing the number each day which starts at 30 and goes progressively up over 100 a day! There are a couple rest days built in. I like doing short challenges like this. It gets me moving and challenges me without being an "in your face" kind of challenge. I like challenges that are a stretch but not so demanding that I want to give up. I'm looking forward to this Challenge. I am also back at Anytime Fitness doing the elliptical 30-60 minutes a day 5x a week. I really like working out on the elliptical because it's so easy on my feet and knees. This beautiful weather we are having is making me want to go on a hike. Maybe I can fit that in this weekend. I am making a real effort to move more.

My diet is improving too, but the cravings catch me off guard sometimes. We are on week 5 of 6 on studying The Daniel Plan. I really like all the information that program provides and the faith focus. I plan on going through it again. I may make it part of my ongoing personal development program. I would like to offer an online study for the next round. If you want in, just message me at Life is humming along. I try to stay off of the scales so I don't get discouraged and just trust that it will all come together with God's grace and my consistent actions.


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pursuing Your Dream

Believing in a Dream
I cannot say enough about Walt Disney the man. If he was alive today can you imagine what he would say? He built the happiest place on earth. With his dreams he makes millions of people smile every day. He had the courage and confidence to take a chance and believe in his dreams. When I was in eighth grade my friend and her family took me to this magical place called Disneyworld.  A place that I would never forget. When my friend and I turned 50 last year we took a road trip to Disneyworld again, together with both our families and the memories was in the making!

What about your dreams? Are you pursuing your dreams right now? We all have different types of dreams. Small and large dreams, we can make them come true if we believe. I love the quote that Walt Disney stated, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Wow, that says it all in that one quote.

My dream is to lose weight and live a healthy, happy life, and another dream that I have is to start writing again. I am working on both. Life is so short and as Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Live that dream and remember that with Disney it all started with a mouse.