Thursday, May 8, 2014

Quick Update Glute Challenge Daniel Plan

I just want to post today a quick update with what's going on with my wellness and weight loss journey. A couple days ago I started doing a "Glute Challenge" where every day you do progressively more squats, lunges and jumping jacks. I have to modify the lunges and especially the jumping jacks, but I'm still doing the number each day which starts at 30 and goes progressively up over 100 a day! There are a couple rest days built in. I like doing short challenges like this. It gets me moving and challenges me without being an "in your face" kind of challenge. I like challenges that are a stretch but not so demanding that I want to give up. I'm looking forward to this Challenge. I am also back at Anytime Fitness doing the elliptical 30-60 minutes a day 5x a week. I really like working out on the elliptical because it's so easy on my feet and knees. This beautiful weather we are having is making me want to go on a hike. Maybe I can fit that in this weekend. I am making a real effort to move more.

My diet is improving too, but the cravings catch me off guard sometimes. We are on week 5 of 6 on studying The Daniel Plan. I really like all the information that program provides and the faith focus. I plan on going through it again. I may make it part of my ongoing personal development program. I would like to offer an online study for the next round. If you want in, just message me at Life is humming along. I try to stay off of the scales so I don't get discouraged and just trust that it will all come together with God's grace and my consistent actions.


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