Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vegan vs Vegetarian

So much for my going "vegan" plan. This is the third time I've tried it and I keep going back because of cheese on pizza which I have almost every week. I still want to try making my own pizza at home using non-dairy cheese and see how that goes. I often get asked what the difference between vegetarian and vegan is. Vegan's do not eat anything animal related which means no milk, cheese, eggs, or honey (some vegans eat honey, but most don't. I guess the vegans who eat honey would be called "beegans" :). Vegetarians don't eat meat but do occasionally consume honey, eggs and dairy. I love honey. There is a difference between the honey that is in the big box stores and raw, organic honey from your local bee farmer. I always buy local. I once used honey and lemon to overcome a year long lung infection. I am totally sold on the medicinal properties in honey. 

Regardless of vegetarian or vegan, there are still many junk foods available on both lifestyles which is why "plant-based" is really the diet I should be pursuing. I'm working on it. It's a process, but I have to admit when the stress level is high as it has been the past couple months, I revert  back to comfort foods. It's an automatic habit that I am working hard to overcome. 

This is also the last week of our group book study of The Daniel Plan. I really liked all the information, but the program was a little confusing to follow since I didn't read ahead. I plan to go through the program again in a few weeks. I want to offer it online for those who cannot attend a meetup in person. Now that I'm more familiar with it, I plan to follow the detox program this next time through. Even though I was going to the meetings, I really wasn't all in and following the suggested plan. I will write up a review and what I got out of the program and post it next week. There was one thing that really stood out to me and that is how dangerous it is to sit for long periods of time. They said it's the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes! I have sat down for every job I have ever had except when I was 16 and working in the cornfields. I really need to make an effort to get up and move more often instead of sitting still for long periods of time in front of a computer screen. The study they talk about in the book said sitting still stops your ability to burn fat. Makes sense to me since it seems like an uphill battle to lose weight. I will not give up though. I will keep making incremental improvements until it all accumulates into taking me to my ideal weight and abundant health. That's the plan!

I hope you have a healthy and happy weekend!


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