Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cravings, Willpower and Shakeology... Keeping It Real

There are times when I just want to give up the pursuit of a "healthy" lifestyle. It shouldn't be this hard. I should want to eat nutritious food and exercise and drink lots of water but the truth is sometimes I don't and I pay a high price for that choice. The price I am paying now for eating junk "crap" food is that I feel like crap and it becomes a vicious cycle. I get tired easy and feel lethargic. Winded. I just want to sit down. Rest. That's not how I want to live my life. That's why I keep trying. Keep chugging along, no matter how many times I fail.

I love how I feel when I eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I can tell that it gives me more energy. So why, why, why do I keep buying and eating the crap food? The chips, the cookies, the pizza. I say I want to change, I truly do, but it's the commitment that's so hard to keep. I've ran out of excuses. I want to give excuses. I want to say the stress is high and that I don't have time because I have so many other things going on, but those words are hot air that wouldn't even hold up a balloon. I know better. I have been off track for weeks. I have gained back all the weight I worked so hard to lose at the first of the year. My weight is hovering around 300 again. So, what am I going to do about it? That's the question. What are you going to do about it? Am I going to keep following this roller coaster ride to health my entire life? I really want to get a grip. Sometimes I wish I could just go to a retreat like Gabriel Cousins or the McDougall's have. Just stay somewhere for a couple months to detox and clean up my body, mind and spirit. Environment makes a huge difference, I know that. I know that I can't be surrounded by junk food and expect my willpower to remain high. I keep doing fitness Challenges hoping that will keep me motivated to stay on track. It helps in the beginning. I get all fired up, but then it fizzles out like a fireworks. It's beautiful for a moment, but quickly burns out.

Here is one thing I know. I have been out of vegan Shakeology for a couple months and my cravings have been out of control. So, from what I am seeing it's drink Shakeology cravings OFF, don't drink Shakeology cravings ON. I know it's best to eat clean, natural, fresh, unprocessed food, but if I'm going to eat junk food what am I accomplishing. I was going to try Vega One because I heard the ingredients were similar with the exception of MSM which I purchased separately on Amazon. Vega One is half the price of Shakeology, so I'm curious to see if it works as well. I have tried just fruit and veggie smoothies and it does not control my cravings. I know I need to drink more water too, but I want to do what works, what I will stick with doing on a consistent basis. I loved it when I drank Shakeology (by the way I am no longer a Beachbody coach, so I have nothing to gain from anything I say about their products). It was quick, easy, and kept me feeling satiated for 3-4 hours. AND I didn't have those little joint aches like in my elbows and knees. I found out that it is the MSM that helps with that.

So, that's where I'm at. I am starting another 30 day Challenge June 1st. I would LOVE to also do a RAW Food Challenge during that time too. We will see. I'm learning to take baby steps when it comes to transforming to a healthier lifestyle.

I wish everyone who happens upon this blog abundant peace, love, health and happiness!


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