Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

A mother holds her children’s hands for a while but their hearts forever

Today is Mother’s Day and I wanted to dedicate this blog to my mom. I am who I am because of this wonderful woman that was my best friend. I miss her every day and miss all the fun times that we had together.  She was a little woman that was only five feet tall, but she was stronger than an ox. She worked hard on the farm and raised four girls. She also played the organ and piano for our church.

She always made sure we ate healthy and ate from the garden. She loved all the healthy foods that we are to eat. We rarely went out to eat and when we did it was a big treat. It was also a big treat to get one candy bar when we went once a month to the grocery store.  When I left home and got married, I did not keep up with the healthy pattern that she set for us kids when we were at home.

Now I need to honor my mom by living the life that she wanted for me. She wanted her family to be healthy and she always loved for us to be together as a family. She loved her church, my dad, her family, and the farm.  She lived a full life.  When I think about my mom I think of laughter. She loved to laugh; I bet that is how she kept so beautiful in all ages of her life.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, may you all enjoy this day through your memories of your mom and making memories with your own family. 

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