Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spiritual Health

My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you -- I, whom you have redeemed.

PSALM 71:23

Mark your calendars! Jeff Bates is coming June 1st to Maple Run Friends Church. Jeff Bates is a fantastic award winning country singer. His story has inspired so many of all ages. You or someone you know may have lost everything because of past mistakes.  Put your trust in Jesus and keep looking forward and see the blessings and miracles that bring forth in a new restored life.  Jeff Bates is a walking testimonial in how God made his paths straight.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Dear past, thank you for your lessons. Dear future, I’m ready. Dear God, thank you for giving me another chance.”  When I read this passage I thought about the upcoming concert with Jeff Bates.  Jesus was with him in all his times and troubles and now look at his life….Blessed.

Come to Maple Run Friends Church on June 1st and bring family and friends to let this concert bring sunshine to your soul!

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