Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What do Blogs and Diets have in Common?

Blogs remind me a lot of diets in that I get all excited about it at first then it fizzles out. I think I'm going to accomplish this big giant goal of transforming my life and helping others do the same which can happen, but it's not overnight, maybe not even in the first year. It takes moment to moment actions, sticking to your daily routine, consistently taking positive action, and keeping the faith. Blogging and diets have those things in common, in fact any successful endeavor does. You do it even when you don't feel like it because you've made the commitment. I committed to writing this "weight loss, wellness, women's health" blog for one year. I will stick to it. I committed to getting healthier. It is a monumental task at times, but I continue to keep getting back up when  fall off the wagon and keep trying again and again and again. I will never give up. Focusing on what I want rather than what I don't want helps. I have forgotten the scales except during fitness challenges when it's part of the requirements. I like fitness challenges because it helps me stay focused and on track. I'm starting a new one June 1st with my Beachbody coach, Clarissa Lupton. YOU are welcome to join us. Just go to her page and tell her you want in! She has helped thousands of people lose weight and get healthy. I'm sure she can help us too!

I wish you abundant health and happiness,


P.S. Check out my new business venture at It's keeping me busy and moving and hanging out more with my husband and family, which is a good thing. Sitting too long at the computer is not healthy and neither is isolation. Time to move it, move it. Peace, love and apple slices!

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