Sunday, March 30, 2014

JTH9: Great Weight Off Wrap Up

As my mentor John C. Maxwell says, “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.” I learned a lot during the 90 day Great Weight Off Challenge:

Don't do a weight loss Challenge during a record-breaking frigid winter because I'm not going to go outside for a walk or go to the gym when it's 20 below. I just wanted to hibernate and eat comfort food!

90 Days is a long time to stay engaged with a Challenge. If you have a hard time hanging in there with long Challenges, a series of 30 Day or 21 Day Challenges may be the solution. Check out the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine at for a 21 Day Challenge that is effective and free.

People you think will support you may not for reasons that have nothing to do with you. Do not let that stop you or slow you down. Keep on doing you.

A number on a scale does not define me. Numbers that mean more to me are how many minutes a day do I spend quality time with my family, how many times do I smile and laugh during the day, how much time do I invest in strengthening my mind and spirit, how often do I encourage and help others, how many minutes do I spend moving my body, how many fruits and veggies do I eat, how many ounces of water do I drink... By taking care of these numbers, the number on the scales will take care of itself.

The Biggest Loser type progress is unrealistic unless you are willing to take extreme actions which are rarely sustainable. 1-2 lbs a week weight loss is realistic and sustainable.

Be patient. Be persistent. Expect success!

This is not the end of my wellness journey, it is just the beginning. Julie and I have made a one year commitment to helping others on their wellness journey by sharing our successes, struggles, and resources via our blog, podcast, and community events.

Our next wellness adventure will be a group study of The Daniel Plan – 40 Days to a Healthier Life. The study starts April 8th and meets Tuesdays 4:15-5:30 p.m. at The Optimist Store, 428 S. Washington Street, Marion, IN 46952. Not in the area? That's OK. You can join via phone conference call or listen to the recording. It's FREE to attend. For more information and to sign up, email us at

 The WINNER of the Great Weight Off Challenge is Judy Buroker. Judy won not for the most weight lost, but for consistent participation. She attended all the meet-ups and was active in the online support group. It is this type of active engagement that helps us achieve any goal. Congratulations Judy!

Hundreds of pounds were shed during the Great Weight Off Challenge. It accomplished what we set out to do which was to inspire people to take control of their health and wellness. Julie and I both said we were willing to be open and vulnerable if it would help even one person get healthier. We heard from several people who said they have been inspired by the Great Weight Off Challenge. To know that someone is taking steps to improve their health makes posting my weight and sharing my struggles all worthwhile.

Thank you to our sponsors - the Chronicle-Tribune, MGH and the Y. We have enjoyed being a part of this community wellness event and appreciate the opportunity you have provided to learn and share. The feedback we received about the Challenge was mostly positive. Accountability, making new friends, sharing stories, education from health experts, and group support were the main things participants said helped them to make their health a priority.

Thank you to the Great Weight Off Challenge participants. My wish for YOU and everyone on this wellness journey is that you live your healthiest, happiest life!


Thank You


This was a hard article to write knowing that today is the end of “The Great Weight Off.” I was so happy when I weighed in this week because I accomplished one of my goals for this weight off, which was to get under 200 pounds. I still have a long way to go, but being on this journey has taught me so much about my weight issues. When I look at pictures of myself, I need to see my inner strengths instead of focusing on my outer flaws. I have to see that I have lost a little over 20 pounds and that I am on track to getting my health back. It is not about looks; instead it is about that I want to live the rest of my life. I want to be able to live a healthy, active life. I am so thankful for all the individuals in the healthcare industry who took time out of their busy schedules to talk to our group because the information that they gave us was priceless.  The speakers had so many ideas and healthy tips that I could not even try to list them all.

I also enjoyed reading all of the comments on “The Great Weight Off” Facebook page.  I want to share with you a comment that a challenger sent to us this week that inspired me greatly:
“So far I have lost 18.4lbs with this challenge. This group has been a great help in keeping me accountable, giving me new ideas, and a great moral support to me. It is such a great help in seeing how others overcome the same issues that you are struggling with. Just when you think it is not worth the hassle to keep fighting this battle someone in the group says something that clicks. With their encouragement you pick yourself back up, dust off, and get back on the wagon to fight another day. I thank God for this group! With their help I’m learning no diets work in the long term. We have to make healthy lifestyle changes. Thank you Kathy and Julie for giving me the courage to try again and this time to do it right. I’m even going to go join the community center gym by myself. Something I would never have done a few months ago.”

What a testimony! This is what “The Great Weight Off” was all about.

One of the best advice that I was given was from my own nurse practitioner, Adrienne Howard. She said, “Exercise is free medicine.” I thought about all of the fun times that I have had and continue to have at the YMCA and how the exercise is improving my health. Exercise is helping me get closer to my goal of getting off or lowering the various medications I take because I am overweight.

I would have never joined the YMCA if it was not for “The Great Weight Off.”  I thank the Chronicle-Tribune, Marion General Hospital, and the YMCA for believing in us so that we could help others throughout our journey. The challengers and sponsors will never know how much they have changed my life. My heart says “Thank you.”

“The Great Weight Off” is ending, but the journey never has to stop. This is only the beginning, the beginning of a new life.



Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do You Exercise Consistently

I was chatting with a friend the other day who lost a lot of weight and now does bodybuilding competitions. I have known him for several years and he is familiar with my struggle to get in shape. He made an observation that my exercise seems to be in spurts. I agreed and replied that the most consist I have ever been with exercise is when I was a member of Anytime Fitness. The moment I said that, a lightbulb turned on above my head. I loved working out at Anytime Fitness because I could go there...any time! I like that I can just pop in whenever I'm in town and get a quick workout in. I also like being able to access the other Anytime Fitness gyms when I'm out of town.

So, if I liked working out there so much, why did I cancel my membership? The main reason was I couldn't justify a membership to use one piece of equipment which was the elliptical machine. It main thing I used when I worked out. Sometimes, I would get on the treadmill or the stationary bike, but 99% of the time, it was the elliptical. I LOVE the Precor Elliptical that they use. As soon as I gather that big chunk of change, I will get one to use at home, but, I like to get out of the house, especially after I've been hibernating all winter and starting to go a little stir crazy. Also, when I'm at home, there seems to be a zillion things that I "should" be doing besides working out. I can't tell you how many times I've done an exercise DVD while at the same time picking things up things that are out of place.

When I get on the elliptical, I have a routine that I love. I play some upbeat music on Pandora, read a book on my Kindle App, and work up a sweat at the same time. It's the only time I can combine doing three things at once in harmony like that and it makes me feel like superwoman! I usually knock out an hour that seems like 5 minutes and I'm sweating by the end. It's like a mini vacation. It works for me. Eureka, I think I got it. In order to exercise consistently, find an exercise you like to do!

What works for you? What exercise do you most consistently do?


Friday, March 28, 2014


What do you want to be when you grow up? How many times have we heard or even asked that question of ourselves or others? I think 13 year old Logan LaPlante is onto something with his "hackschooling" philosophy. I agree with him that once you're motivated to learn or do something, you can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. I have done that more times than I can count in my life. If I get intensely focused on doing something, it will happen, it's just a matter of time. I feel the same way about this wellness journey. I have complete faith that I will be my healthiest self within a few years. I just have to be patient and consistent with the process. I want to be a health and happiness hacker! I agree with Logan when he says that hackers are are innovators. They challenge and change the system to make them work better.

"Having the hacker mindset can change the world." ~ Logan LaPlante

Logan also mentions Dr. Roger Walsh, creator of Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC), who says that there are eight basic things that we can do to achieve health and happiness: Exercise, Diet & Nutrition, Time in Nature, Contribution & Service, Relationships, Relaxation & Stress Management, Religious & Spiritual Involvement. Dr. Walsh says even small changes in these areas can increase our health and happiness.

There are many things I want to do, but when it comes to what I want to be, I want the same things most of us want... I want to BE happy, BE healthy and BE loved for who I am.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Early Bird

This morning I woke up at 5 a.m. I love waking up early before the hustle and bustle of the day kicks in. It's a peaceful time that I can focus on prayer, devotionals, meditation, visualization, writing, and exercise. Most of the time when I get up early, I feel like I accomplish more in the first couple hours than I accomplish the entire day when I wake up late. It's nice to have my priorities taken care of before noon! I also find that I'm more likely to get my exercise in and stick with my clean eating routine when I get up early. I have more time, I don't feel rushed. It makes me wonder why I ever sleep in!

What time do you like to start your day?


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


My husband and son both like to sleep with the TV on. I prefer silence, but often wake to the sound of gunfire or other testosterone filled sounds blaring from the boob tube. I've gotten pretty good at blocking it out, but this morning reminded me that what we feed our mind matters, even if it's in the background. The channel was tuned in to a music documentary about Bobby McFerrin working with gifted singers. The kids were talking about how Bobby is so gifted that all he needs to perform is his voice and mic and maybe a chair. It sounds like he has a band accompanying him, but it's just his 5-octave range and the way he so easily weaves in and out of the notes that gives him such a unique sound. They pointed out that Bobby McFerrin doesn't need flashy costumes or anything besides his voice to entertain the audience. Bobby said that music is more than entertainment. He said the purpose of music is to heal the heart the mind and the spirit. I agree and I know it works because I would normally be bummed to look out the window and see it snowing when it's supposed to be spring. Instead of focusing on that, I was focusing on how amazing it is for Bobby McFerrin to be sharing his gift with the next generation and how music does indeed lift the spirit. So while the snow is falling, I'm singing Bobby's song...


P.S. He said he wrote "Don't Worry Be Happy" in 30-45 minutes during a recording break!

Spring Break

I usually keep my grand kids and nieces a few days every spring break to take them to do fun things. I often sit on the sidelines reading or surfing the Internet while they are busy at play, but this spring break I'm making more of an effort to join in starting today when I got in the pool with them and played volleyball. I forgot how fun being a kid is. I'm looking forward to doing more fun things during spring break! 


Monday, March 24, 2014

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Have you ever read the book called “The Five People you meet in Heaven”? It is amazing. I loved the movie version as well. It is about a man who never thought he made a difference in his life. The book goes on to tell how he touched so many people throughout his life. In the book and movie it talked about the five main people whose lives were changed as a result of his actions. I will not keep going on because I do not want to reveal all of the details of the book/movie, but I do recommend that you read the book or watch the movie.
When I think about “The Five People you meet in Heaven” I think about our walk in life. So many of us think we are not important. We may not be movie stars, presidents, or popular people in general. Just like in this book/movie he never knew how much he impacted the people in his life. Sometimes all we can do is just smile, and it can change someone’s outlook on that day for the better. We never know how we have touched others’ lives until someone points it out or maybe we will find out later in life. I feel that on this journey I have taken, I am finding out that it is not all about food. There are so many emotions in our life that cause us to try to fill the voids. So many choose food because it is legal, and it only hurts themselves and not others. We cover up our wounds with our drug of choice and that is food. I am here to tell you that we all make a difference in our family, friends, co-workers, spouses, and stranger’s lives. We are all important people. You touch someone everyday with your actions and personality.
I have always told my kids that it does not matter what they do in life. They may want to be a person who has a less than desirable job, and if that is what they want, then do it with happiness and enjoyment to the best of their ability. It does not matter if you want to be a stay at home mom or be the president; you can make an impact on someone else’s life and choose to change the world for the better.

Just like in “The Five People you meet in Heaven” we may never know how we have changed someone’s life. I bet we all could see a little bit of ourselves in the main character of this story. Somebody may be watching you right now, and you may have saved that person without ever knowing you did. Think about it.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Turn from the Dark Side!

This has to be the hardest week for me since the Great Weight Off had started. I only exercised twice this week, and one of those times was a 5k walk in Amboy I did with my family. The temptation to overeat and not exercise this week was so strong. I keep telling myself to turn from the dark side and that the “force” to eat healthy was down deep inside. Now I know this is not Star Wars, it is Food Wars (I get a little dramatic at times). The good thing about this week is that I did not gain weight which I thought I would.

I feel like we all deal with the temptation to eat too much or to eat unhealthy on a daily basis. What do I do when I am tempted to cheat? I eat some and then throw the rest in the trash. I am not a dumpster diver so the food is not appealing to me anymore. My son came home this week from college on Spring Break, and this week I have not practiced what I have preached.  My eating habits need to improve next week. I really enjoy my son being home, but I cannot live the college life like he does. By that I mean he eats whenever and whatever. We have stayed up playing games, talking, and watching TV every night. I have been so tired getting up to go to work every day. It is hard to live this way; I do not know how these young kids do this? Not getting enough sleep ruins my efforts to eat right and exercise.

 My son enjoys his chips with a lot of salt and even though I knew the chips would be calling my name, I bought him a big bag anyways. I saw them out on the table and started eating chip by chip until I realized what I was doing. Once I saw this destructive behavior I threw the whole sack of chips in the trash. I was glad he did not see me throw his chips away, but I just had to! He has not missed them yet! When we went out to eat I was starting to pour myself an unsweetened ice tea, but I turned and looked at the pop machine and poured a pop instead. Pop is really like a drug to me in that I feel that I cannot control the urge to drink pop. I walked back to the table, and my son pointed out that I should not be drinking pop. I slowly got up and poured my pop out and got an unsweetened tea.  

When I am tempted to cheat it helps to have spies watching over me. This sounds crazy but it helps keep me in line when I want to over eat or eat something I shouldn’t. Experts say to take a walk when you are tempted to overeat, but what happens when you are tempted late at night? Who walks at that time? When I start getting tempted, I call one of my sisters who in turn help give me motivation to carry on.  It is encouraging to receive support from family and/or friends. If you find yourself needing encouragement, call a friend, throw that bad food in the trash, and think today is a new day. Pat yourself on the back because you are learning to work through that temptation not to cheat.



I think the word “cheat” causes trouble as we transition to a healthier lifestyle. “Cheating” with food often leads to a vicious cycle of giving in to cravings, feelings of guilt, shame, and disgust, then being restrictive with food - which is the revolving door of eating disorders. I did the “cheat diet” most of my life and it accomplished nothing but grief. I have learned that thinking of eating as cheating is self-defeating! We're human, we are going to stumble and fall when it comes to eating clean, especially after years of eating the Standard American Diet that is processed and full of addictive chemicals. In order to get out of the revolving door of binge eating and bulimia, my mindset had to shift from the negative connotation of “cheating” to the positive one of “choice”.

Choice makes me feel in control of the food instead of the food controlling me. After a half-century of fighting the battle of the bulge, I am now fully aware of the consequences of my food choices that include quality of life as I approach my “golden years.” I don't beat myself up about what I eat anymore because I don't want to get back in the revolving door. I make an enlightened choice and move forward with love and compassion.

Here are a few things I have learned from the experts that help me make healthy choices:

PLAN & PREPARE. I plan and prepare as many meals as I can for the coming week. I usually cook a crock pot full of beans and veggie soup then put it into single serving containers. I cut up veggies and put them in zip lock bags so I can grab them on the go. I freeze peeled bananas to use for “ice cream.” and smoothies. Planning and preparation helps me stay on my clean eating plan and keeps me out of the fast food drive thru. If I leave it to chance, the temptation to eat junk food becomes too great, especially if it is around or if I go too long between meals, which leads to the next tip...

EAT SMALL MEALS MORE OFTEN. Dr. Dan Benardot, a nutrition consultant to Olympic athletes and author of “Advanced Sports Nutrition,” recommends eating smaller meals more often. He says we should eat half of our food at meal time then eat the other half a few hours later to maintain energy balance. Even an apple or handful of almonds between meals is enough to help me control junk food cravings.

DISTRACT & DELAY. When stress is high or if I am tired is when cravings hit full force. The distract and delay technique has worked for me many times. The idea is to distract yourself with something besides food, like deep breathing, going for a walk, or chatting with a friend. If the distraction doesn't work, then delay by drinking a big glass of water, eating fruit or veggies, and then telling yourself if you still want the junk food in 45 minutes, then go for it. Cravings usually only last a few minutes.

CRAVINGS vs HUNGER. Learning to determine if I am truly hungry and or if I am having a craving is helping me too. Dr. Roger Gould, author of “Shrink Yourself,” says an easy way to tell the difference between true cravings and hunger is if anything, like carrots or cauliflower, will do - it's hunger. If you want something specific like pizza or french fries, that's a craving. Dr. Douglas Graham, author of “The 80/10/10 Diet” says if you are craving salt, your body needs more leafy green vegetables and if you are craving sweets, your body needs the nutrients of fruit.

I have learned the hard way to be gentle with myself as I journey towards a healthier life. I hope you treat yourself with loving kindness too. Faith, love, compassion, dedication, patience, and persistence will take us to where we want to go!


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Farmers Markets are Top Food Trend

I have always been a big fan of supporting local businesses. This is especially important when it comes to food. I buy local and from farmers markets whenever I can. Last year, I grew my own garden which provided plenty of tomatoes and a few other fruits and veggies. I'm going to do it again this year. Farmer's markets are one of my favorite parts of summer. I love fresh, local, organic produce.

For many years I didn't even know I lived within a few miles of a local CSA (Community Support Agriculture), Victory Acres which is located in Upland, IN. I found out about it when I was taking a plant-based nutrition class and one of my research projects led me to look for locally sourced food. I discovered it through LocalHarvest which is a website that lists local CSAs, Co-ops, and Farmer's Markets.

I am not alone with wanting locally sourced food. According to, it is one of the top food trends for 2014 along with people wanting more information about children's nutrition and gluten-free cuisine. We are making progress.

Entrepreneurs, are you paying attention? Demand for locally sourced food is growing. What a welcome relief for our health and our economy!


Friday, March 21, 2014

Juice Detox Fast or Feast?

I was so excited that yesterday was spring, I decided to do a juice detox as a form of "spring cleaning" for the inside of my body. I haven't had much luck with juice fasts in the past. I usually give in before mid-afternoon. I think the problem has been not drinking enough juice. Instead of a juice "fast" I need to think of it as a juice "feast" and be sure to drink plenty of juice. By evening I was super hungry. I could tell it was hunger instead of a craving because plain carrots was sounding delicious. I usually have to have hummus or peanut butter to eat carrots. I don't care that much for them raw without the dip. But, last night, I could have eaten a whole bag raw! I managed to get through the "spring cleaning" and felt really good when I woke up this morning. Besides giving my digestive system a break, I felt good that I stuck with my detox plan. For me, juicing is one of those things I have to work my way up to doing more often. I prefer smoothies where you blend up the entire fruit or veggie and have the pulp. I want to experiment with more juicing this summer. I think adding is much easier than taking away, so instead of taking the food away, I will add a juice a day. I normally drink 32 ounces of water with lemon and local honey first thing in the morning. It's a great way to start my day. I healed a year-long cough in a couple weeks with that concoction. I alternated the lemon and honey water with ginger, honey, and OJ. I read about it on a holistic website somewhere a couple years ago when I was looking for ways to heal my chronic lung infection. It worked! I've been hooked every since. But the other juices, that is an acquired taste for me. I'm getting there.

I would love to hear from you about your juicing experience and favorite juice recipe!


Thursday, March 20, 2014


I am so happy that today is International Happiness Day! Why? Because it's the first day of SPRING! I absolutely LOVE spring. It is my most favorite season of the year. I love seeing the earth in bloom. It makes me happy just thinking about. The warmer days, the sunshine, the gentle rains, it's all a beautiful symbol of the life we are meant to live in all God's glory and with infinite possibility. Yes, I get a bit manic about it, especially after such a long, cold winter. I am ready to spring to life and I am starting with spring cleaning - of my body! I am doing a juice "feast" today to clear the toxins out of my body. I am going for a walk and getting some fresh air and Vitamin D. I hope you are enjoying your day of happiness too and pray that this spring brings you abundant health and energy to live your best life!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Last Place


Last Saturday my family participated in the 5K Norris Insurance run/walk in Amboy. It was a cold Saturday, and I wasn’t so sure this was a good idea. When we arrived I could not believe how many people showed up. There were well over one hundred people of all ages that came, and they all looked fit and ready for the big race. I, on the other hand looked like I was ready for a big snow storm in my big coat. When we started the race there were not many walkers. Most people ran the race. My son’s girlfriend, Brittany, was nice and walked with me while my son and daughter ran the 5k. Boy was it cold when we walked. When we had around 1 ½ miles to go my son and daughter walked back to meet us because they had already finished the race. I never heard him yell, but he yelled at me from a distance that I need to pick up my speed and get going! Well, I guess a lady that was way in front of us but closer to him heard him yell, and she must have thought he was yelling at her because she stared sprinting. (She was a walker) That poor lady, now she knows what I go through. At least it must have helped her time when she finished! J

Brittany and I were in last place, and we had a police escort behind us. As one runner passed us on his cool down he said, “Keep up the good work ladies.” I replied, “We are trying.” He yelled back at us. “At least you came and that is what it takes!” There were so many encouraging people at this race.

After the race was over they had a free pancake breakfast for everyone. They announced the winners, and my son and daughter received a trophy. I was proud of them, and said it would be so neat to get one of those trophies. My son replied, “Mom, it is just plastic,” (He didn’t want me to feel bad that I never got a trophy). I was just happy that they took part in the 5k run/walk with me. After the runners were announced they passed out trophies to the walkers. I thought to myself that one day I might just get one of those trophies if I could walk faster. Just then they announced that Brittany and I were to come to the front and get our trophies. Wow I finished last place and I got a trophy? Not too many people walked so we were able to get a trophy. As I walked up to get my trophy, so many were congratulating us on finishing the cold, cold, 5K walk. I really didn’t deserve this trophy because I was last. But then I thought about what that runner said to us. “At least you came, and that is what it takes!” Point taken!


Do You Eat In Your Car?

I was talking with my battle buddy the other day and she brought something to my attention that I have not realized before. She asked me how I did with my eating plan for the day. I told her I ate two cookies from Subway along with two Veggie Flatizzas. I had been running around most of the day, skipped breakfast, and was starving by mid-afternoon. She said that at other times when she has asked me about eating and I had gotten off plan, it was a similar pattern and I was in my car! She then asked me to drill down as to why I wanted the cookies. My first thought was that I was craving sugar which makes sense - my blood sugar would have been low because of skipping breakfast and lunch. But, when I talked through it with her, I saw some deep rooted issues around food and wanting comfort when I'm in my car. That awareness will help me in the future. I think most of us who have struggled with obesity for many years have deeper rooted issues with food and once we become aware of those issues, we can take the steps we need to face the fears and move past it.

Eating in our car is a common practice these days. We're all time-starved, running around trying to get everything on our to-do list done. I will be going to Indy to a small business conference today, so I know I will be eating in my car at some point along today. However, with my new awareness, I will make sure that I prepare by bringing some fruit so my blood sugar doesn't drop and create those intense cravings that combined with the deeper seated issues makes temptation to binge on junk food overwhelming.

Do you eat in your car? Is that when you are most likely to get off track with your clean eating plan? Do you carry healthy food with you if you know you're going to be away from home for long periods of time? Do you know why you eat what you eat? What purpose does it serve? Is it for nourishment or comfort?

Food for thought.


Monday, March 17, 2014


Do you ever try to make sense of things that happen in your life, ask yourself why something is meant to be? I am a very curious person. I always look for the deeper meaning or the connection in everything that happens to me. For example, I was dragged into court for something I had no part of and made to pay for someone else's debt. I couldn't afford to pay it all at once so I made payment arrangements. Each month when I went in to make the payment, I saw Julie Hoch, a girl I went to high school with. We talked about our health and how we would like to get back in shape like we were in school or even 20 years and a hundred pounds ago when she was a host on a healthy living TV show and I was a fitness instructor at the local Y. That intention we set each month manifested into this wellness journey we are on today!

Last year, I experimented with being a Beachbody coach, mostly because they offer are a generous discount on their products for their coaches and I LOVE their products. I really didn't see myself leading anyone in fitness because I am on the journey myself and have a long way to go. How could I be a leader of something I am trying to learn to do myself? Then, it occurred to me that maybe someone else could relate with where I am at on my journey or maybe someone could benefit from where I have been, even if it was how I transitioned from an animal-based to plant-based diet.

So, I signed up and attended the Beachbody coaches gathering (they call it Summit) in Las Vegas. When I got there, I thought this isn't for me. I'm not into the party scene or working out with thousands of people. I'm pretty reserved and it takes a lot of energy to get out of my comfort zone. Everyone was having a fantastic time, but I was exhausted from all the activities and so much walking, more walking than I think I've done in my life. I never knew a hotel could be so big. The MGM Grand was bigger than the town I grew up in! I did enjoy meeting the other coaches in our group and the workshops. I attended one of the presentations led by Lindsay Matway who is a top Beachbody coach. Listening to her story of  how she went from a broke bartender to a millionaire was very inspiring.

A lady with pink bangs sat down beside me at the presentation. I gave her a shy smile and said hi. She briefly looked into my eyes. That quick glance made me think I should recognize her, but I didn't know who she was. Should I know her? I think I would remember someone with pink hair. A couple months later, I saw those same pink bangs in my Facebook feed and I clicked on it to discover it was the lady who sat beside me at Summit - none other than Sandi Krakowski, a self-made millionaire who runs a faith-based Internet business! I wonder if I would have done anything differently had I known who she was?

I discovered that Sandi lives in Warsaw which is only a couple hours north of me. I thought she must be the reason I was meant to join Beachbody and attend Summit. Maybe I could go to work for her and learn how to monetize my Internet endeavors. God knows I need to figure that out. Then, I found out she is moving her company to Missouri. If it was Florida, I would consider it, but I've already lived in the big MO and it's not for me. This girl needs surf to lure her away from the Hoosier heartland. So, I signed up for Sandi's newsletter instead thinking I would learn from her in that way, which indeed I have. Last week, I opened her email and got excited to see she is needing bloggers, writers, and authors for her growing biz. That's me! I attended her online writing workshop and she suggested that we submit an article to her company if we are interested in making money with our writing. How wonderful it would be to earn a living doing something I am passionate about and do every day for free. Yes, this is meant to be!

Meanwhile, I'm leading/participating in our Great Weight Off online wellness group and there is a lady named Shelby in that group that I met through a Beachbody support group I was in last year. We made a connection and have kept in touch. We have similar goals in wanting to get healthy and help others along the way. She has encouraged and supported me through my weight loss struggles and she knows that I am there for her too.

I haven't lost the weight that I thought I would during the Great Weight Off challenge and I am trying not to be hard on myself. It's tough especially when I feel like I have let people down by not being disciplined enough to do what those who have succeeded have done which is "simply" to eat less and exercise more. Sounds like it should be easy. Why is it so hard for me? I just don't get it sometimes. But then I remember that everything happens for a reason, there is a purpose for every struggle we go through and sometimes that struggle is for someone else's benefit. Sometimes we are not meant to figure it out. Other times, we do get a glimpse of the purpose, mostly in hindsight.

Shelby has signed on for our next wellness adventure which will be a study of The Daniel Plan that starts April 8th and lasts six weeks. She offered to be my "battle buddy." I haven't started reading the book yet, so I didn't know what a battle buddy is. When Shelby explained it to me, I understood the level of trust and commitment it takes. I am sure connecting with Shelby is another reason God took me on the Beachbody journey. She is like an angel to me and I am grateful for our connection.

Maybe more connections will be revealed. I don't expect it, I am just curious and fascinated about the miracles God works in our lives. Maybe we have to get a glimpse of the life we don't want in order to appreciate the life that we have and in reflection we see the connections that are shining God's light in our life.

I am so grateful for all the connections that have brought me to this journey I am on today. It is through the struggles and connections that I am finding my life's purpose. Hopefully, God will use me to help others make their connection too.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Vision


As I stepped on the scales this week I thought I would be under the 200 mark. I knew I had been good about exercising this week, but I also had a few bad eating days this week. When I saw that I had only lost 1.4 pounds and I still was in the two hundreds, I thought someone had to be messing with my scales. Sadly, nobody had and I accept the 1.4 pound loss. I will reach my goal in due time. I have been overweight for a long time, and it will take a while to get to my goal weight. I can dream about it and I did last night…

 I dreamed I was at my goal weight running in a 5k race. As I woke up I felt my stomach and thought “oh man, I still have it.” It was a good dream while it lasted! I think I dreamed that because last night we worked on creating a vision board. Kathy has studied vision boards, and she suggested that the Great Weight Off group create vision boards to inspire us to reach our goals. This was a fun group activity, and I enjoyed the different ideas that everyone was sharing.

We had to find a past picture of ourselves that we liked. That was hard for me to do because I do not like any pictures of myself. I found one that was taken quite a while ago, and I put it on my vision board. I was actually eating my birthday cake that my mom had made me in the picture. I cut that out of the picture, but at least it was an angel food cake!

I put items and words that have inspired me on my vision board.  I have a picture of a scale that says the word JOY instead of a number. Wouldn’t that be great to see on your scale in the morning? I have heard that there are scales that do talk to you; I think I will pass on that type of scale for now. I found a picture of a soda bottle, and I crossed the bottle out. This is something that I have given up, and that was hard to do. One word that I put on my vision board is “believe.” I love that word. It means so many different things to me. We have to believe that we will achieve our goals. Another item that I have on my vision board is a phrase that states, “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” This statement goes right along with my dream that I had.

 I have enjoyed my trips to the YMCA, and I have also learned so much from the ladies that work at MGH. This has been a learning journey to get myself back to the person who I used to be; the person that is in the picture on my board. I challenge you to do a vision board for yourself. It will help you achieve your goals by being able to visualize them every day.











Visualize Your Healthiest Life

Picture of me in front of my vision board when I won the Success Magazine 90 Day "Fit for Success" Challenge in 2009. I envisioned being in Success Magazine and it happened! 

If vision boards and visualization works so well, then why have I continued to struggle with my weight? Why wouldn't I go straight to my ideal weight that I have envisioned, put on my vision board, affirmed, meditated about and prayed for? I believe it is our vision, but God's timing. It's also because of the clause, "This or something better" that I put on every vision board I make. I believe that I haven't reached that goal before now because God has something bigger and better in mind which I am sure has to do with this journey that I am on now. Why make the journey alone when you can invite people to join you and together you can all trek up the mountain, supporting each other and enjoying the adventure along the way. That's a much better vision than I could have ever imagined. 

This podcast is from our Great Weight Off meeting last week where I talked about vision boards and the importance of suspending disbelief. Much like when you go to see a movie (Harry Potter for example) and suspend disbelief that people can fly. This step is important, especially at first because the logical part of your brain will try to tell you all the reasons your dream won't work. Suspending disbelief enables you to bypass that survivalist part of your brain that acts much like a gatekeeper and put your desires into your sub-conscious that doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality. This is why we laugh, cry, and get scared at movies, our sub-conscious mind believes it is real. It is our conscious mind that looks around and quickly wipes the tears off our cheek. This takes some practice, but is very powerful to help visualize your goals.

Professional athletes use vision boards and visualization all the time. They draw pictures of plays on a blackboards and visualize precise execution of those plays and winning the games. We think thoughts all day long often with accompanying images. Vision boards and visualization enable us to focus on positive things and help our thoughts fly in formation. I believe visualization is a vital key to living the life of our dreams.

In Joel Osteen's book, Your Best Life, he tells the story of meeting a woman who lost 200 lbs. He asked her how she did it. She said that she changed how she saw herself. She began to picture herself healthy and fit which led her to act “as if” she was fit and do things that fit people do. She ate healthy foods and exercised consistently. The image she had of herself in her mind began to change and it changed her life. He also talks about how his mother used the power of faith and visualization to heal her body after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She quoted healing Bible verses every day and she put pictures up all around her house of healthy and joyful times throughout her life. Joel said it worked. Today she is healthy as can be!

One way to change the image we have of ourselves is to create a vision board (also called dream boards and treasure maps). A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals. I believe in the power of vision boards as a life-changing goal achievement tool so much that I became a certified vision board coach in 2010.

I think of a vision board like a road map. You have to know your destination before you can get to where you want to go. A vision board engages both your conscious and sub-conscious mind to help you make your dreams and desires come true. I use vision boards all the time. I create a vision board January 1st every year with pictures and goals of things I want to do, be, or have. I also use vision boards to map out my business ideas and the books I write.

Sometimes I use online programs such as NoteApp or Pinterest to create a virtual vision board, but I mostly use poster board along with pictures and words cut out of a magazine. I also use a word processing and spreadsheet program to create tables, charts, and quotes to put on my vision board. One of our Great Weight Off Challengers, Judy Buroker, brought a Cricut machine to our meet up and made beautiful and professionally looking words for her scrapbook style vision board. She put the word HALT on her vision board. HALT is a word we learned from our meeting with addiction counselor and life coach, Megan Gilmore. HALT stands for questions to ask yourself when cravings hit. Are you Hungry, Anxious, Lonely, Tired? What a great word to visualize to help take control of your health. We all decided we would make the Great Weight Off Icon part of our vision board too as a visual reminder of the wellness journey we are on that will continue long after the Challenge is over.

When you create a vision board, you also want to be sure to include pictures of yourself when you were at your healthiest and joyful times in your life. After you put your pictures, words, and goals on your vision board, be sure to add the words, “This or something better” because things change and sometimes what happens when you have a vision for your life is better than what you could have imagined.

Although my scales refused to budge this week, I envision a healthy future where I am at my ideal weight and have abundant energy. I will continue to eat clean, exercise consistently, and do the things I need to do to live a healthy and happy life.

What does your healthiest, happiest life look like? What do you want to do, be, or have? It all starts with a vision. See it. Believe it. Achieve it!


Saturday, March 15, 2014


“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
1 Corinthians 10:13

I was invited the other day to speak to a church group about losing weight and my journey. When I was asked to speak in front of the group I had to say yes even when my mind was telling me “no, you are not a speaker, you like to write and you sure didn’t make the grade in speech class.”
As the day approached, I prayed because I knew that I could not do this on my own. My palms were sweating (even though it was freezing outside)! The group leader, Andrea Conn, was and continues to be a great inspiration to me. She told me that the group is striving to get their temples in shape. She made me feel welcome and the whole group made me feel this way as well. I loved the idea that they are promoting healthy living as a group. I also found some of their tips thought-provoking as well. The group has a jar that they put money into each week. For working out in the week they add twenty five cents to the jar. The same goes for drinking 64 ounces of water a day and losing a pound. When the program is over, the person who contributed the most money to the jar gets the money jar. However, they do not keep the money for themselves. Instead, whoever wins the jar gets to choose a group or someone to donate the money to. In this way, it carries on the blessing.
Andrea explained that her pastor promotes the idea that if you receive a blessing in; you are to give a blessing out. It does not get any better than this! I love this idea, and I love this group. They have inspired me to keep carrying on in my journey and to get my temple in shape.
I enjoyed all of these wonderful ladies’ stories; stories that are very much like my own. I was so excited when Andrea read a story that included a Bible verse. That very same verse is what I had written down when I prayed for God to give me a verse to focus on and read to the group when speaking at the program. After Andrea read this story and the same verse, I knew that God was in the house!
I think about what I would have missed out on if I had told Andrea that I wasn’t going to speak to the group. I am glad I did not listen to the negative voice inside my head. If you are presented with a challenge that you are scared to take a chance on because you think that you do not have the “required” gift or talent, throw that out the window. You will be missing out on a blessing.

What Is Your Wellness Number?

When it comes to wellness there should be some numbers we measure far more often than weight and waist size. Numbers like how many minutes of quality time did you spend with your loved ones today? How many minutes did you exercise? How many fruits and veggies did you eat? How many ounces of water did you drink? How many minutes did you pray and meditate? How many minutes did you spend reading or studying something that adds value to your life? Unlike the scales and tape measure, the higher those numbers, the better. Here's my wellness numbers for today:

Quality Time with Loved Ones: 180 minutes
Fruits & Veggies: 5 servings
Water: 64 ounces
Pray/Meditate: 15 minutes
Reading: 30 minutes (Choose Yourself by James Altucher)

My Wellness Total: 294

What is YOUR wellness number today? What would you add to your wellness number? Maybe the number of times you told someone you love them? The number of hugs you gave? How many times you smiled at someone... These are the things that contribute to our wellness much more than the number on the scale.

I love you. Total: 295! :) 296...


Friday, March 14, 2014


I love spring. It's my favorite time of the year. To me, it feels like more of a fresh start and renewal of the spirit than New Year's Day. It's a time of forgiveness. I am forgiving myself for the numerous times I've fallen off of the wagon this past winter. It's also traditionally a time to clear out the clutter and do spring cleaning. That's exactly what I am doing. The first day of spring which is next Thursday, I am doing a "spring cleaning" of my body, riding it of the toxins and chemicals I have ingested. I have never lasted more than a day doing a juice cleanse also known as "detox". I would like to do a three-day detox, but I will be happy with even a one day. I know detoxes are controversial and fasting is often associated with crash diets or religious practices, but it's like everything else, do what works for you. I can tell when it's time to give my gut a rest and flush the chemicals out of my body. I begin to feel sluggish and get brain fog. I know the best practice is to eat clean, which I strive to do, but it is a process and coming from a lifetime of eating the standard American diet, it takes effort to stay on track. I think of "spring cleaning" as a way to recommit to my pledge to live my healthiest life.Part of my "spring cleaning" plan is walking outside so I can get fresh air, get my blood circulating, and clear the dust bunnies out of my mind.

What about YOU? What does spring mean to you? I hope it is a time of renewal for you too, not just of the body, but also of the mind and spirit. Let's let go of all those negative voices that are within us and around us as well as our self-limiting beliefs so that we can open ourselves to receiving love and compassion.



Below is a juice detox recipe from one of my favorite holistic wellness mentors, Dan "The Life Regenerator" McDonald. I love what he says about the process of eating clean and getting healthy:

"More people quit than stick with it. Don't be one of those people. Yes, you'll hit the wall; yes, you'll stumble; yes, you'll fall; yes, you'll fail; but if you stay persistent, the angels of light will come and put wind in your sails... You will reap the rewards of planting the seeds of persistence, patience and dedication." ~ Dan McDonald


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hibernation Mode

I often joke to my family that I go into hibernation mode in the winter. My body feels like a sleepy bear in the winter. I just want to cozy up on the couch and read or write. Along with that cozy feeling, I want comfort food. Winter seems like an uphill battle when it comes to sticking with an exercise and clean eating routine. I thought maybe it was just me until I was reading "Flip The Switch" by Robert Cooper. Here's what he says:

"A lack of physical movement, no exposure to bright light, skipping breakfast, and other unhealthy A.M. habits can each increase the body's hibernation-like instincts. This casts a long shadow, since you're more likely to store fat and feel tired all day long." 

Wow, does that ever resonate with me! I don't usually skip breakfast, but I often don't have my first meal until mid-morning, which I know isn't a good idea because my body has already went 8-10 hours without food, sometimes longer depending on how late I ate the night before. I feel like I'm solar powered and run out of energy if I don't spend some time in the sun. I know a lot of people who tan in the winter just to get exposure to bright light, but I don't feel that's the healthiest thing for me to do. I have windows and skylights to look out of in the winter, but that's just not the same as being out in the sunshine. I love to go for hikes at the State Parks and can't wait to get started doing that again soon.

Going into hibernation mode sounds like an excuse, probably is, but it feels real to me. I know it's a vicious cycle too because once I eat the comfort (aka junk, processed, sugar-laden) food, it makes me feel sick and tired, then I don't want to workout which makes me feel sick and tired on and on it goes until I'm completely out of the flow. I am holding onto hope that I will bust out of this vicious cycle soon.

Spring cannot come soon enough for me!


Strawberry Treat


Spring is almost here! I like to make my Strawberry Treat when the strawberries are fresh from the garden, but when I saw them in the grocery store this week they looked delicious! I had to buy some, and make my Strawberry Treat. But then I thought about the how much sugar is in the strawberry glaze Just so you know, it’s a lot of sugar. I looked over and saw that they had sugar free strawberry glaze. I held up the glaze and said “YES!” I embarrassed myself in the grocery store, but who cares, I was excited! J I am taking this recipe to work to see what they think; they will be my official taste tasters. If you want to cut down on your sugar intake but still have some dessert that has fruit in it then this is the treat for you!

Here is my strawberry treat that I make when spring is here!

Strawberry Treat

1 ½ cups of white whole wheat flour (or regular flour)

2 teaspoons baking powder

2 eggs

1/3 cup skim milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

½ cup sugar (you can also use sugar substitute)

¼ cup low fat butter

1 bag of sugar free strawberry glaze

1 pint of strawberries

Mix all ingredients except the strawberries and glaze. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Mix the strawberries and glaze together, and then pour and smooth out mixture on top of the cake and enjoy!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Music and Sunshine

This dreary weather is taking its toll on me. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I want to go for a walk outside without worrying about slipping on the ice. Enough of the cold already. I'm so ready for spring. Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love seeing the earth coming back to life. Color everywhere. Renewal of energy and spirit. A celebration of faith and a time of forgiveness. Spring is where my spirit feels most alive. I long to carry that happiness into the other seasons too. Warm sunny days makes my heart smile. When it's cold like it has been for what seems like forever this winter, I have to think of other things to lift my spirit. Music works wonders. Here are a few of my go to songs. I hope it's warm where you're at and if you need your spirit lifted, give these songs a listen!

What songs lift your spirit?


 Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel "Iz" Ka'ano'i Kamakawiwo'Ole

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Walking On Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves

Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield

Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

Happy by Pharrell


I have battled insomnia off and on since I was a teenager. It comes in waves. Sometimes I have no problems falling asleep and staying asleep for 8 hours straight, but then there are other times like tonight. I cannot sleep which causes my sleep cycle to get off track, then I want to take a nap during the day to make up for the insomnia at night. It can quickly spiral into a vicious circle.

A couple things I have noticed about insomnia for me, is it tends to happen most around my menstrual cycle and if I eat or drink anything with a lot of sugar or caffeine. The common sense thing is to stay away from sugary treats, chocolate, and caffeine, but guess what women crave when it's that time of the month? That's right sweets, especially chocolate!

Over the years I have learned that insomnia, like all annoying things, will pass. In the meantime, I'm catching up on my reading and episodes of Shark Tank! Why don't I do something more productive like work on my website or business development? Well, another downside of insomnia is the inability to concentrate, probably from being too tired. So, good luck doing things that take attention to detail. I have found that when I have insomnia, it's a great time to catch up on reading emails or doing things that don't take a lot of focus. Sometimes I get lucky and get in a groove with something productive, but if I need to be productive during the insomnia, I have to increase the caffeine which continues the insomnia cycle. I just have to ride it out, perhaps see what's happening on Twitter or YouTube.Maybe I'll watch a ASMR video!

Sweet dreams!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I really do not like pictures of myself. I enjoy taking pictures of everyone else, but not of me. I even have my dog as my Facebook picture! When I wrote in an article that I bought a new outfit a couple sizes smaller and that the outfit was colorful, Debby, a challenger and a former high school classmate, posted that she wanted to see a picture of me. I replied that I would take a picture of me wearing the outfit. Then I thought, BIG mistake Julie….I hate seeing myself in pictures!

This is the first time I have ever taken a “selfie.” I never have thought to take a picture of myself before. I took a lot of pictures, and I disliked all of them! I just looked at my picture and thought, “Wow, I really need to get rid of those chipmunk cheeks, get an eyelift, and a possible face lift.”
Isn’t it amazing at how we put ourselves down? I almost passed out seeing my picture in the Chronicle-Tribune! This is the kind of attitude that I am trying to rid myself of, and I knew I had to turn my thought pattern around and appreciate myself no matter how the picture turned out.
I saw the other day on the “Today Show” a person talking about pictures. They were saying that people who do not like how they look tend to not take pictures of themselves. However, everyone needs pictures taken because future generations including your present relatives and their grandchildren want to be able to see the person everyone loved in their family, even if all they get to see is a photograph. Without a picture they have nothing to go by. A picture does not always have to be about how good a person looks. Instead think about a picture representing a person’s life at that point in time.
I do not have a lot of pictures of my grandmother. She never liked anyone taking pictures of her. I have included a picture of my grandmother at the bottom of this post. She was the most beautiful woman to me. She had a heart of gold, and she prayed for everyone in her family on a daily basis. She was well loved by so many and gave from her heart every day. When I look at her picture I miss her and the person that she was. What I see in this picture is a strong, beautiful grandmother who had many talents and was loved by everyone.
Go ahead and take those pictures, and do not be shy. Beauty comes in many different forms. Thanks Debby for giving me the courage to take pictures of myself and to do this blog!
Grandma Key