Tuesday, March 25, 2014


My husband and son both like to sleep with the TV on. I prefer silence, but often wake to the sound of gunfire or other testosterone filled sounds blaring from the boob tube. I've gotten pretty good at blocking it out, but this morning reminded me that what we feed our mind matters, even if it's in the background. The channel was tuned in to a music documentary about Bobby McFerrin working with gifted singers. The kids were talking about how Bobby is so gifted that all he needs to perform is his voice and mic and maybe a chair. It sounds like he has a band accompanying him, but it's just his 5-octave range and the way he so easily weaves in and out of the notes that gives him such a unique sound. They pointed out that Bobby McFerrin doesn't need flashy costumes or anything besides his voice to entertain the audience. Bobby said that music is more than entertainment. He said the purpose of music is to heal the heart the mind and the spirit. I agree and I know it works because I would normally be bummed to look out the window and see it snowing when it's supposed to be spring. Instead of focusing on that, I was focusing on how amazing it is for Bobby McFerrin to be sharing his gift with the next generation and how music does indeed lift the spirit. So while the snow is falling, I'm singing Bobby's song...


P.S. He said he wrote "Don't Worry Be Happy" in 30-45 minutes during a recording break!

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