Thursday, March 6, 2014



Do you like your job? I had a job working as an aide at an elementary school for eleven years. I absolutely loved that job. I loved the people, and I loved the kids. I had to leave this job because I needed better insurance and more money to pay my bills. I cried for what seems like forever when I left. The children that I had helped for so many years kept asking me why I was leaving.  My heart was just broken.  I knew down deep inside that God was telling me it was time to move on. When I started my new job with great insurance, good benefits, and more pay I hated it. I cried everyday going to this job. I kept asking God why? Why am I here?  I missed my old coworkers and the children. This new job was so foreign to me.

As I look back, I understand why I had to leave the school. This new job needed me and I needed it. I was thrown into a job that I knew nothing about.  The people at this new job were from different backgrounds, and they all had different opinions from my own.

It has been four years now, and I feel I have acquired a new skill that I would have never knew that I had if I did not take this job. I love working with people, and I feel that even though my job entails some people getting angry at times, I enjoy making them feel that someone cares.

I also have found that since I have started exercising and eating right my outlook on my job has changed in so many ways. I look back, and I do not think my inability to let go was about my new job. Instead it was about me and how I felt about myself. Sure, everyone has days they really do not like their job. But I must be thankful that I have a job, and it is a job that offers insurance and time off.  If I never accepted this job I really do not think that I would have embarked on this new journey for the Great Weight Off.

So, today and every day I am thankful that I can get up and have a brighter outlook about my job and myself. Even though I miss my old job at times, I am thankful for new co-workers and the generous support they have given me on this journey.

Our ways are not always God’s ways in our journey of life. Look at what we would miss out on if we do not listen and follow God’s plan for our life.


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