Monday, March 3, 2014


I think I could win an Olympic gold medal in procrastination! I've done it as long as I can remember, since high school when a report was due and I would hole up in my bedroom last minute to get it done. There is something about an approaching deadline that motivates me. Why I don't feel that sense of urgency from the beginning, I haven't figured out yet. I do know that I have accomplished many things in my life with deadlines. I have passed hundreds of tests and college courses, processed more work reports and business records than I can remember, published three books, and achieved nearly every goal that has a hard deadline.

The Great Weight Off ends March 30th. My goal was to lose 30 lbs during the 90 day Challenge. As of today, there are 28 days left in the Challenge and I have lost 2 pounds. Technically, I lost 6 pounds and gained 4 back! So, I have a lot of work to do during the month of March. Time to get my head in the game. With the deadline quickly approaching, it's making my laser focus skills perk up to help me get as close to my goal as I can in a healthy manner.

So with the finish strong plan in mind, I created what may appear to be a grueling workout schedule and nutrition plan for this month. I'm putting it out here to make myself accountable to do what I say I'm going to do. You would think publishing my weight in the local newspaper every week would be enough accountability, but apparently not as much as a countdown to the end of the Challenge. 28 pounds in 28 days? We will see! Philippians 4:13.


My Exercise and Nutrition Plan for this week

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