Saturday, March 15, 2014

What Is Your Wellness Number?

When it comes to wellness there should be some numbers we measure far more often than weight and waist size. Numbers like how many minutes of quality time did you spend with your loved ones today? How many minutes did you exercise? How many fruits and veggies did you eat? How many ounces of water did you drink? How many minutes did you pray and meditate? How many minutes did you spend reading or studying something that adds value to your life? Unlike the scales and tape measure, the higher those numbers, the better. Here's my wellness numbers for today:

Quality Time with Loved Ones: 180 minutes
Fruits & Veggies: 5 servings
Water: 64 ounces
Pray/Meditate: 15 minutes
Reading: 30 minutes (Choose Yourself by James Altucher)

My Wellness Total: 294

What is YOUR wellness number today? What would you add to your wellness number? Maybe the number of times you told someone you love them? The number of hugs you gave? How many times you smiled at someone... These are the things that contribute to our wellness much more than the number on the scale.

I love you. Total: 295! :) 296...


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