Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I really do not like pictures of myself. I enjoy taking pictures of everyone else, but not of me. I even have my dog as my Facebook picture! When I wrote in an article that I bought a new outfit a couple sizes smaller and that the outfit was colorful, Debby, a challenger and a former high school classmate, posted that she wanted to see a picture of me. I replied that I would take a picture of me wearing the outfit. Then I thought, BIG mistake Julie….I hate seeing myself in pictures!

This is the first time I have ever taken a “selfie.” I never have thought to take a picture of myself before. I took a lot of pictures, and I disliked all of them! I just looked at my picture and thought, “Wow, I really need to get rid of those chipmunk cheeks, get an eyelift, and a possible face lift.”
Isn’t it amazing at how we put ourselves down? I almost passed out seeing my picture in the Chronicle-Tribune! This is the kind of attitude that I am trying to rid myself of, and I knew I had to turn my thought pattern around and appreciate myself no matter how the picture turned out.
I saw the other day on the “Today Show” a person talking about pictures. They were saying that people who do not like how they look tend to not take pictures of themselves. However, everyone needs pictures taken because future generations including your present relatives and their grandchildren want to be able to see the person everyone loved in their family, even if all they get to see is a photograph. Without a picture they have nothing to go by. A picture does not always have to be about how good a person looks. Instead think about a picture representing a person’s life at that point in time.
I do not have a lot of pictures of my grandmother. She never liked anyone taking pictures of her. I have included a picture of my grandmother at the bottom of this post. She was the most beautiful woman to me. She had a heart of gold, and she prayed for everyone in her family on a daily basis. She was well loved by so many and gave from her heart every day. When I look at her picture I miss her and the person that she was. What I see in this picture is a strong, beautiful grandmother who had many talents and was loved by everyone.
Go ahead and take those pictures, and do not be shy. Beauty comes in many different forms. Thanks Debby for giving me the courage to take pictures of myself and to do this blog!
Grandma Key

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