Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hibernation Mode

I often joke to my family that I go into hibernation mode in the winter. My body feels like a sleepy bear in the winter. I just want to cozy up on the couch and read or write. Along with that cozy feeling, I want comfort food. Winter seems like an uphill battle when it comes to sticking with an exercise and clean eating routine. I thought maybe it was just me until I was reading "Flip The Switch" by Robert Cooper. Here's what he says:

"A lack of physical movement, no exposure to bright light, skipping breakfast, and other unhealthy A.M. habits can each increase the body's hibernation-like instincts. This casts a long shadow, since you're more likely to store fat and feel tired all day long." 

Wow, does that ever resonate with me! I don't usually skip breakfast, but I often don't have my first meal until mid-morning, which I know isn't a good idea because my body has already went 8-10 hours without food, sometimes longer depending on how late I ate the night before. I feel like I'm solar powered and run out of energy if I don't spend some time in the sun. I know a lot of people who tan in the winter just to get exposure to bright light, but I don't feel that's the healthiest thing for me to do. I have windows and skylights to look out of in the winter, but that's just not the same as being out in the sunshine. I love to go for hikes at the State Parks and can't wait to get started doing that again soon.

Going into hibernation mode sounds like an excuse, probably is, but it feels real to me. I know it's a vicious cycle too because once I eat the comfort (aka junk, processed, sugar-laden) food, it makes me feel sick and tired, then I don't want to workout which makes me feel sick and tired on and on it goes until I'm completely out of the flow. I am holding onto hope that I will bust out of this vicious cycle soon.

Spring cannot come soon enough for me!


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