Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Last Place


Last Saturday my family participated in the 5K Norris Insurance run/walk in Amboy. It was a cold Saturday, and I wasn’t so sure this was a good idea. When we arrived I could not believe how many people showed up. There were well over one hundred people of all ages that came, and they all looked fit and ready for the big race. I, on the other hand looked like I was ready for a big snow storm in my big coat. When we started the race there were not many walkers. Most people ran the race. My son’s girlfriend, Brittany, was nice and walked with me while my son and daughter ran the 5k. Boy was it cold when we walked. When we had around 1 ½ miles to go my son and daughter walked back to meet us because they had already finished the race. I never heard him yell, but he yelled at me from a distance that I need to pick up my speed and get going! Well, I guess a lady that was way in front of us but closer to him heard him yell, and she must have thought he was yelling at her because she stared sprinting. (She was a walker) That poor lady, now she knows what I go through. At least it must have helped her time when she finished! J

Brittany and I were in last place, and we had a police escort behind us. As one runner passed us on his cool down he said, “Keep up the good work ladies.” I replied, “We are trying.” He yelled back at us. “At least you came and that is what it takes!” There were so many encouraging people at this race.

After the race was over they had a free pancake breakfast for everyone. They announced the winners, and my son and daughter received a trophy. I was proud of them, and said it would be so neat to get one of those trophies. My son replied, “Mom, it is just plastic,” (He didn’t want me to feel bad that I never got a trophy). I was just happy that they took part in the 5k run/walk with me. After the runners were announced they passed out trophies to the walkers. I thought to myself that one day I might just get one of those trophies if I could walk faster. Just then they announced that Brittany and I were to come to the front and get our trophies. Wow I finished last place and I got a trophy? Not too many people walked so we were able to get a trophy. As I walked up to get my trophy, so many were congratulating us on finishing the cold, cold, 5K walk. I really didn’t deserve this trophy because I was last. But then I thought about what that runner said to us. “At least you came, and that is what it takes!” Point taken!


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