Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cinnamon Coffeecake

Do you like cinnamon? I love anything that has cinnamon in it. New studies have shown that eating cinnamon might help reduce your blood sugar. This has not been 100% proven yet, but if they do prove this to be right, hip, hip, hooray! I like to make a recipe called Cinnamon Coffeecake.  I found that the grocery stores now carry a brown sugar substitute. It is a blend of artificial sweetener and real brown sugar. I thought that I would try to make this recipe with the sugar substitute, and it turned out pretty good.  I had made this recipe at least three times this winter when we have been snowed in. I love the way the cinnamon smells in my kitchen when I bake this recipe.  I also enjoy eating it! I would like to share this with you.

This is a good dessert to make on snowy days when you want to eat some comfort food. Invite a friend over, make coffee, and enjoy.

Cinnamon Coffeecake

1 ½ cups flour (I use white-whole wheat flour)

¼ tsp. salt

¼ cup grape seed oil

½ cup skim milk

1 Tbs. baking powder

1/3 cup sugar substitute or (¾ cup of regular sugar)

2 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased 8 x8 baking pan.

½ cup brown sugar substitute or (2 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. regular brown sugar)

1 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. cinnamon

3 Tbsp. butter

Mix and pour on top of the already mixed batter, and blend in with a knife in a zig zag pattern. Bake at 375⁰ for 20 minutes.


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