Monday, March 17, 2014


Do you ever try to make sense of things that happen in your life, ask yourself why something is meant to be? I am a very curious person. I always look for the deeper meaning or the connection in everything that happens to me. For example, I was dragged into court for something I had no part of and made to pay for someone else's debt. I couldn't afford to pay it all at once so I made payment arrangements. Each month when I went in to make the payment, I saw Julie Hoch, a girl I went to high school with. We talked about our health and how we would like to get back in shape like we were in school or even 20 years and a hundred pounds ago when she was a host on a healthy living TV show and I was a fitness instructor at the local Y. That intention we set each month manifested into this wellness journey we are on today!

Last year, I experimented with being a Beachbody coach, mostly because they offer are a generous discount on their products for their coaches and I LOVE their products. I really didn't see myself leading anyone in fitness because I am on the journey myself and have a long way to go. How could I be a leader of something I am trying to learn to do myself? Then, it occurred to me that maybe someone else could relate with where I am at on my journey or maybe someone could benefit from where I have been, even if it was how I transitioned from an animal-based to plant-based diet.

So, I signed up and attended the Beachbody coaches gathering (they call it Summit) in Las Vegas. When I got there, I thought this isn't for me. I'm not into the party scene or working out with thousands of people. I'm pretty reserved and it takes a lot of energy to get out of my comfort zone. Everyone was having a fantastic time, but I was exhausted from all the activities and so much walking, more walking than I think I've done in my life. I never knew a hotel could be so big. The MGM Grand was bigger than the town I grew up in! I did enjoy meeting the other coaches in our group and the workshops. I attended one of the presentations led by Lindsay Matway who is a top Beachbody coach. Listening to her story of  how she went from a broke bartender to a millionaire was very inspiring.

A lady with pink bangs sat down beside me at the presentation. I gave her a shy smile and said hi. She briefly looked into my eyes. That quick glance made me think I should recognize her, but I didn't know who she was. Should I know her? I think I would remember someone with pink hair. A couple months later, I saw those same pink bangs in my Facebook feed and I clicked on it to discover it was the lady who sat beside me at Summit - none other than Sandi Krakowski, a self-made millionaire who runs a faith-based Internet business! I wonder if I would have done anything differently had I known who she was?

I discovered that Sandi lives in Warsaw which is only a couple hours north of me. I thought she must be the reason I was meant to join Beachbody and attend Summit. Maybe I could go to work for her and learn how to monetize my Internet endeavors. God knows I need to figure that out. Then, I found out she is moving her company to Missouri. If it was Florida, I would consider it, but I've already lived in the big MO and it's not for me. This girl needs surf to lure her away from the Hoosier heartland. So, I signed up for Sandi's newsletter instead thinking I would learn from her in that way, which indeed I have. Last week, I opened her email and got excited to see she is needing bloggers, writers, and authors for her growing biz. That's me! I attended her online writing workshop and she suggested that we submit an article to her company if we are interested in making money with our writing. How wonderful it would be to earn a living doing something I am passionate about and do every day for free. Yes, this is meant to be!

Meanwhile, I'm leading/participating in our Great Weight Off online wellness group and there is a lady named Shelby in that group that I met through a Beachbody support group I was in last year. We made a connection and have kept in touch. We have similar goals in wanting to get healthy and help others along the way. She has encouraged and supported me through my weight loss struggles and she knows that I am there for her too.

I haven't lost the weight that I thought I would during the Great Weight Off challenge and I am trying not to be hard on myself. It's tough especially when I feel like I have let people down by not being disciplined enough to do what those who have succeeded have done which is "simply" to eat less and exercise more. Sounds like it should be easy. Why is it so hard for me? I just don't get it sometimes. But then I remember that everything happens for a reason, there is a purpose for every struggle we go through and sometimes that struggle is for someone else's benefit. Sometimes we are not meant to figure it out. Other times, we do get a glimpse of the purpose, mostly in hindsight.

Shelby has signed on for our next wellness adventure which will be a study of The Daniel Plan that starts April 8th and lasts six weeks. She offered to be my "battle buddy." I haven't started reading the book yet, so I didn't know what a battle buddy is. When Shelby explained it to me, I understood the level of trust and commitment it takes. I am sure connecting with Shelby is another reason God took me on the Beachbody journey. She is like an angel to me and I am grateful for our connection.

Maybe more connections will be revealed. I don't expect it, I am just curious and fascinated about the miracles God works in our lives. Maybe we have to get a glimpse of the life we don't want in order to appreciate the life that we have and in reflection we see the connections that are shining God's light in our life.

I am so grateful for all the connections that have brought me to this journey I am on today. It is through the struggles and connections that I am finding my life's purpose. Hopefully, God will use me to help others make their connection too.


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