Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I have battled insomnia off and on since I was a teenager. It comes in waves. Sometimes I have no problems falling asleep and staying asleep for 8 hours straight, but then there are other times like tonight. I cannot sleep which causes my sleep cycle to get off track, then I want to take a nap during the day to make up for the insomnia at night. It can quickly spiral into a vicious circle.

A couple things I have noticed about insomnia for me, is it tends to happen most around my menstrual cycle and if I eat or drink anything with a lot of sugar or caffeine. The common sense thing is to stay away from sugary treats, chocolate, and caffeine, but guess what women crave when it's that time of the month? That's right sweets, especially chocolate!

Over the years I have learned that insomnia, like all annoying things, will pass. In the meantime, I'm catching up on my reading and episodes of Shark Tank! Why don't I do something more productive like work on my website or business development? Well, another downside of insomnia is the inability to concentrate, probably from being too tired. So, good luck doing things that take attention to detail. I have found that when I have insomnia, it's a great time to catch up on reading emails or doing things that don't take a lot of focus. Sometimes I get lucky and get in a groove with something productive, but if I need to be productive during the insomnia, I have to increase the caffeine which continues the insomnia cycle. I just have to ride it out, perhaps see what's happening on Twitter or YouTube.Maybe I'll watch a ASMR video!

Sweet dreams!


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