Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do You Exercise Consistently

I was chatting with a friend the other day who lost a lot of weight and now does bodybuilding competitions. I have known him for several years and he is familiar with my struggle to get in shape. He made an observation that my exercise seems to be in spurts. I agreed and replied that the most consist I have ever been with exercise is when I was a member of Anytime Fitness. The moment I said that, a lightbulb turned on above my head. I loved working out at Anytime Fitness because I could go there...any time! I like that I can just pop in whenever I'm in town and get a quick workout in. I also like being able to access the other Anytime Fitness gyms when I'm out of town.

So, if I liked working out there so much, why did I cancel my membership? The main reason was I couldn't justify a membership to use one piece of equipment which was the elliptical machine. It main thing I used when I worked out. Sometimes, I would get on the treadmill or the stationary bike, but 99% of the time, it was the elliptical. I LOVE the Precor Elliptical that they use. As soon as I gather that big chunk of change, I will get one to use at home, but, I like to get out of the house, especially after I've been hibernating all winter and starting to go a little stir crazy. Also, when I'm at home, there seems to be a zillion things that I "should" be doing besides working out. I can't tell you how many times I've done an exercise DVD while at the same time picking things up things that are out of place.

When I get on the elliptical, I have a routine that I love. I play some upbeat music on Pandora, read a book on my Kindle App, and work up a sweat at the same time. It's the only time I can combine doing three things at once in harmony like that and it makes me feel like superwoman! I usually knock out an hour that seems like 5 minutes and I'm sweating by the end. It's like a mini vacation. It works for me. Eureka, I think I got it. In order to exercise consistently, find an exercise you like to do!

What works for you? What exercise do you most consistently do?


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