Tuesday, March 4, 2014


 Click here to purchase Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

I admit it, I bought into the 80/20 rule on nutrition and exercise. I believed that being healthy and fit was 80% nutrition and 20% exercise, maybe more like 50/50, but I love what Tom Venuto and Shawn Phillips say in the Kryptonite Report and that is it's 100% nutrition and 100% exercise. Not just any exercise either, but strength training. They both say that strength training is the only way to sculpt your body. That makes sense too, which makes me ask myself why I have put such a low priority on strength training?

I have never been a fan of grunting it out in the weight room. I used to work at the YMCA when the weight lifting room was right across from the customer counter, so I heard grunts and moans all day long. It sounded painful to me and I don't like pain! My idea of a workout was to do step aerobics or go for a swim.

There was a time when I liked using the Nautilus equipment. In fact, I purchased that equipment when the old Y closed. It has sentimental value to me. I still use it from time-to-time, but I don't think I ever really understood how important those clanking weights are to my vitality as I age. I really enjoyed the story that Tom Venuto, author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle, shares about the 90 year old man who trains with him - how much strength training helps him stay mobile and enables him to travel and continue enjoying his life. It even helped him prevent falling when he tripped and stumbled.

I am 51 and can see the writing on the wall. Either you strength train and keep your body strong so you can get around and enjoy life or you atrophy and pay the price with a ho-hum existence. So, off to the gym I go to listen to Tom's book as I strength train!

Stay strong, live long.


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