Monday, March 24, 2014

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Have you ever read the book called “The Five People you meet in Heaven”? It is amazing. I loved the movie version as well. It is about a man who never thought he made a difference in his life. The book goes on to tell how he touched so many people throughout his life. In the book and movie it talked about the five main people whose lives were changed as a result of his actions. I will not keep going on because I do not want to reveal all of the details of the book/movie, but I do recommend that you read the book or watch the movie.
When I think about “The Five People you meet in Heaven” I think about our walk in life. So many of us think we are not important. We may not be movie stars, presidents, or popular people in general. Just like in this book/movie he never knew how much he impacted the people in his life. Sometimes all we can do is just smile, and it can change someone’s outlook on that day for the better. We never know how we have touched others’ lives until someone points it out or maybe we will find out later in life. I feel that on this journey I have taken, I am finding out that it is not all about food. There are so many emotions in our life that cause us to try to fill the voids. So many choose food because it is legal, and it only hurts themselves and not others. We cover up our wounds with our drug of choice and that is food. I am here to tell you that we all make a difference in our family, friends, co-workers, spouses, and stranger’s lives. We are all important people. You touch someone everyday with your actions and personality.
I have always told my kids that it does not matter what they do in life. They may want to be a person who has a less than desirable job, and if that is what they want, then do it with happiness and enjoyment to the best of their ability. It does not matter if you want to be a stay at home mom or be the president; you can make an impact on someone else’s life and choose to change the world for the better.

Just like in “The Five People you meet in Heaven” we may never know how we have changed someone’s life. I bet we all could see a little bit of ourselves in the main character of this story. Somebody may be watching you right now, and you may have saved that person without ever knowing you did. Think about it.

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