Thursday, March 20, 2014


I am so happy that today is International Happiness Day! Why? Because it's the first day of SPRING! I absolutely LOVE spring. It is my most favorite season of the year. I love seeing the earth in bloom. It makes me happy just thinking about. The warmer days, the sunshine, the gentle rains, it's all a beautiful symbol of the life we are meant to live in all God's glory and with infinite possibility. Yes, I get a bit manic about it, especially after such a long, cold winter. I am ready to spring to life and I am starting with spring cleaning - of my body! I am doing a juice "feast" today to clear the toxins out of my body. I am going for a walk and getting some fresh air and Vitamin D. I hope you are enjoying your day of happiness too and pray that this spring brings you abundant health and energy to live your best life!


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