Thursday, March 13, 2014

Strawberry Treat


Spring is almost here! I like to make my Strawberry Treat when the strawberries are fresh from the garden, but when I saw them in the grocery store this week they looked delicious! I had to buy some, and make my Strawberry Treat. But then I thought about the how much sugar is in the strawberry glaze Just so you know, it’s a lot of sugar. I looked over and saw that they had sugar free strawberry glaze. I held up the glaze and said “YES!” I embarrassed myself in the grocery store, but who cares, I was excited! J I am taking this recipe to work to see what they think; they will be my official taste tasters. If you want to cut down on your sugar intake but still have some dessert that has fruit in it then this is the treat for you!

Here is my strawberry treat that I make when spring is here!

Strawberry Treat

1 ½ cups of white whole wheat flour (or regular flour)

2 teaspoons baking powder

2 eggs

1/3 cup skim milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

½ cup sugar (you can also use sugar substitute)

¼ cup low fat butter

1 bag of sugar free strawberry glaze

1 pint of strawberries

Mix all ingredients except the strawberries and glaze. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Mix the strawberries and glaze together, and then pour and smooth out mixture on top of the cake and enjoy!


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