Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pep Talk


I’ve had enough of this depressing weather! I have had enough, and I know you have too! This winter has lasted too long, and all I can think about is spring!  I even bought a yellow spring jacket the other day, and I already wore it on one of the few 40 degree days that we have had. I have decided to put away these awful looking winter clothes and slap the depression right out of me! NO MORE WINTER BLUES FOR ME! (I am trying to give everyone a pep talk if you have not figured that out). I might be cold when I wear my yellow jacket when I should be wearing a winter jacket, but I will just wear gloves. When I went to town the other day I stopped by the mall where I did some people watching while running errands. Everyone looked so down and depressed. I know in today’s world with everything happening it is hard not to get down.

I am telling you to get out of that blue mood. Wear something bright and cheery. Put on some upbeat music and just dance around the house. Be glad you have a new day to live. This is the day the Lord has made we will be glad and rejoice in it. Now let’s take advantage of this new day by picking ourselves up and get moving! I don’t care if you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds to lose, let’s enjoy life. There is no reason to beat ourselves up for the pounds we have gained. Every new day can be the start of a new life. Spring is right around the corner, and believe me I do know that for a fact. So let’s pretend today is a spring day with fresh air and tulips coming up out the dirt. I saw a challenger post a picture of flowers coming up in this cold weather. I saw hope in this picture! Thanks Jodie for posting that picture!

Now come on and repeat after me, “I am a special person. I am worthy, and I am worth allowing happiness in my life. Amen!


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