Friday, March 21, 2014

Juice Detox Fast or Feast?

I was so excited that yesterday was spring, I decided to do a juice detox as a form of "spring cleaning" for the inside of my body. I haven't had much luck with juice fasts in the past. I usually give in before mid-afternoon. I think the problem has been not drinking enough juice. Instead of a juice "fast" I need to think of it as a juice "feast" and be sure to drink plenty of juice. By evening I was super hungry. I could tell it was hunger instead of a craving because plain carrots was sounding delicious. I usually have to have hummus or peanut butter to eat carrots. I don't care that much for them raw without the dip. But, last night, I could have eaten a whole bag raw! I managed to get through the "spring cleaning" and felt really good when I woke up this morning. Besides giving my digestive system a break, I felt good that I stuck with my detox plan. For me, juicing is one of those things I have to work my way up to doing more often. I prefer smoothies where you blend up the entire fruit or veggie and have the pulp. I want to experiment with more juicing this summer. I think adding is much easier than taking away, so instead of taking the food away, I will add a juice a day. I normally drink 32 ounces of water with lemon and local honey first thing in the morning. It's a great way to start my day. I healed a year-long cough in a couple weeks with that concoction. I alternated the lemon and honey water with ginger, honey, and OJ. I read about it on a holistic website somewhere a couple years ago when I was looking for ways to heal my chronic lung infection. It worked! I've been hooked every since. But the other juices, that is an acquired taste for me. I'm getting there.

I would love to hear from you about your juicing experience and favorite juice recipe!


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