Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thank You


This was a hard article to write knowing that today is the end of “The Great Weight Off.” I was so happy when I weighed in this week because I accomplished one of my goals for this weight off, which was to get under 200 pounds. I still have a long way to go, but being on this journey has taught me so much about my weight issues. When I look at pictures of myself, I need to see my inner strengths instead of focusing on my outer flaws. I have to see that I have lost a little over 20 pounds and that I am on track to getting my health back. It is not about looks; instead it is about that I want to live the rest of my life. I want to be able to live a healthy, active life. I am so thankful for all the individuals in the healthcare industry who took time out of their busy schedules to talk to our group because the information that they gave us was priceless.  The speakers had so many ideas and healthy tips that I could not even try to list them all.

I also enjoyed reading all of the comments on “The Great Weight Off” Facebook page.  I want to share with you a comment that a challenger sent to us this week that inspired me greatly:
“So far I have lost 18.4lbs with this challenge. This group has been a great help in keeping me accountable, giving me new ideas, and a great moral support to me. It is such a great help in seeing how others overcome the same issues that you are struggling with. Just when you think it is not worth the hassle to keep fighting this battle someone in the group says something that clicks. With their encouragement you pick yourself back up, dust off, and get back on the wagon to fight another day. I thank God for this group! With their help I’m learning no diets work in the long term. We have to make healthy lifestyle changes. Thank you Kathy and Julie for giving me the courage to try again and this time to do it right. I’m even going to go join the community center gym by myself. Something I would never have done a few months ago.”

What a testimony! This is what “The Great Weight Off” was all about.

One of the best advice that I was given was from my own nurse practitioner, Adrienne Howard. She said, “Exercise is free medicine.” I thought about all of the fun times that I have had and continue to have at the YMCA and how the exercise is improving my health. Exercise is helping me get closer to my goal of getting off or lowering the various medications I take because I am overweight.

I would have never joined the YMCA if it was not for “The Great Weight Off.”  I thank the Chronicle-Tribune, Marion General Hospital, and the YMCA for believing in us so that we could help others throughout our journey. The challengers and sponsors will never know how much they have changed my life. My heart says “Thank you.”

“The Great Weight Off” is ending, but the journey never has to stop. This is only the beginning, the beginning of a new life.



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