Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Banana Split Diet

There is a popular restaurant near me in Upland, Indiana called Ivanhoe's Ice Cream and Sandwich Shoppe. They are famous for their wide variety of ice cream flavors. I can't wait until they offer a banana split like this one, made completely of fruit. I've always loved ice cream, but after going to a plant-based diet a couple years ago and becoming lactose intolerant out of the blue, I stopped eating ice cream and missed it. I tried the plant-based ice cream in the health food stores, but I never found any that compared to the creamy texture of milk-based ice cream, until I discovered frozen bananas!  I like it so much I bought a Yonanas banana ice cream making machine that gives bananas an amazing creaminess that is so close to what we were used to that my family cannot tell the difference. Mixing frozen bananas up in the blender with a little coconut milk or coconut water works too!

In this video, Kristina mixes other fruits with the bananas to get different flavors, but just like the ever popular "vanilla" ice cream, I like plain frozen bananas and then top it with fruit like pineapples and strawberries. YUM. It's SO delicious.

I know it's still winter and we're not thinking a lot about cold treats, but it's supposed to get in the 60's in the next couple days and that will feel like summer after the long frigid winter we've had. A real banana, Banana Split sounds like the perfect way to celebrate spring to me (after I go for a hike at Mounds, of course)!

This Banana Split is so good for our body, we could have it every day. The Banana Split Diet? Now, that's a diet I could stick to!


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