Sunday, March 2, 2014

Falling Off and Getting Back on The Health Wagon

How do you define falling off the wagon? I used to think it was a long period of time where you ate or indulged in whatever your vice is whenever you wanted. My definition has changed because I no longer go off the healthy eating and exercise plan for days at a time, but even indulging in a little junk food here and there can slow down progress as I am seeing this week. I now think of falling off the wagon as eating past the point of feeling full, deviating from my healthy eating plan, and/or skipping my daily exercise. How often do I do this? At least once or twice a week. It used to be daily, so I am making progress. I have learned that it is a journey and the hardest part is not beating myself up along the way.

If there was a degree in falling off the healthy eating and exercise wagon, I would have a PhD! I probably hold the world's record. I would say I have fallen off the wagon every week (for many years it was every day) for 50 years! I fell off the wagon when I didn't even know I was supposed to be on the wagon. I have always been interested in riding the health wagon, but I kept falling off. Stress would throw me off like a bucking bronco, still does sometimes.

I may be voted off of an episode of the Biggest Loser for not dropping weight fast enough, but I would probably win Survivor because my body is very efficient at storing energy! I have to remember that the only person I'm competing with is myself. My health matters most to me. Good health is what will keep me around for my family. It is what enables me to pursue my dreams and help my community. I will just keep getting back up and getting back on the wagon as many times as it takes. Wellness is a journey.

I used to have a food concession business called, “Health Wagon Concessions.” It was in the early 90's. I set up at fairs and tried to sell healthy foods such as raw veggies and fruit kabobs. You can imagine how well this business did going up against elephant ears and deep fried corn dogs. I suppose the literal health wagon concept was before its time. Now, as baby boomers are aging and more concerned about health, maybe we are more willing to consider healthier alternatives, even when we eat out.

How do we get back on the health wagon? You know the answer as well as I do and that is to get back up, dust yourself off, and saddle up again and again and again until you reach your destination. Once we arrive to our healthiest place, we should be a pro at knowing what it takes to stay there!

Some things that help me get back on the wagon are to have plenty of healthy foods around and keep the junk food away, especially when I'm away from home or traveling. If I get too hungry and there is junk food around, forget about it, the temptation becomes overwhelming to eat the chemically addictive sweet and salty treats. As far as exercise, it helps me to schedule it in like an appointment or do it first thing in the morning. Otherwise, the day gets away from me and the excuses come rolling in.

Getting on the wagon is a metaphor for living your healthiest, happiest life. What makes you want to get on the wagon in the first place? What is your why? Why bother? Why keep getting back up again? Once you find a strong enough why it makes the how possible. For me, I want to feel comfortable in my skin again. I want to live a quality life full of activity and adventure. I don't want to have to limp around and look for the nearest bench when I go for a walk. I want to walk normally and have abundant energy. I want to see my grandchildren grow up and take them to do things without wearing out. My reasons for continuing to get back on the wagon are strong. I may continue to fall off, but I will NEVER GIVE UP.


What can I do today that will make me healthier than I was yesterday?” ~ Kevin Gianni 

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