Friday, March 14, 2014


I love spring. It's my favorite time of the year. To me, it feels like more of a fresh start and renewal of the spirit than New Year's Day. It's a time of forgiveness. I am forgiving myself for the numerous times I've fallen off of the wagon this past winter. It's also traditionally a time to clear out the clutter and do spring cleaning. That's exactly what I am doing. The first day of spring which is next Thursday, I am doing a "spring cleaning" of my body, riding it of the toxins and chemicals I have ingested. I have never lasted more than a day doing a juice cleanse also known as "detox". I would like to do a three-day detox, but I will be happy with even a one day. I know detoxes are controversial and fasting is often associated with crash diets or religious practices, but it's like everything else, do what works for you. I can tell when it's time to give my gut a rest and flush the chemicals out of my body. I begin to feel sluggish and get brain fog. I know the best practice is to eat clean, which I strive to do, but it is a process and coming from a lifetime of eating the standard American diet, it takes effort to stay on track. I think of "spring cleaning" as a way to recommit to my pledge to live my healthiest life.Part of my "spring cleaning" plan is walking outside so I can get fresh air, get my blood circulating, and clear the dust bunnies out of my mind.

What about YOU? What does spring mean to you? I hope it is a time of renewal for you too, not just of the body, but also of the mind and spirit. Let's let go of all those negative voices that are within us and around us as well as our self-limiting beliefs so that we can open ourselves to receiving love and compassion.



Below is a juice detox recipe from one of my favorite holistic wellness mentors, Dan "The Life Regenerator" McDonald. I love what he says about the process of eating clean and getting healthy:

"More people quit than stick with it. Don't be one of those people. Yes, you'll hit the wall; yes, you'll stumble; yes, you'll fall; yes, you'll fail; but if you stay persistent, the angels of light will come and put wind in your sails... You will reap the rewards of planting the seeds of persistence, patience and dedication." ~ Dan McDonald


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