Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Footprints in the Sand"

"Footprints in the Sand"
When you get down and out, read this story.

This last week three of my family members had birthdays, and I went out to eat for all three. One place that I tried to prepare myself for was eating at a Mexican restaurant. I love Mexican food. I cannot stop eating those salty, crunchy chips. I really have a hard time controlling myself when I eat Mexican food. I used to eat at a Mexican restaurant once a week. This is pure weight loss suicide for me, but I do enjoy my chips. So I faltered a little bit this last week, but I have not given up. What happens when you fall off the wagon? We have to brush ourselves off, and get right back on the healthy eating saddle. We are only human, and there are times when we do overeat.


Another thing that we can do is work out. This weekend when I did not eat well I knew I had to get my act together and do damage control. Monday I went to the YMCA’s yoga class. I really was not prepared for this class. I did not know anything about yoga walking into the class. I just thought yoga mainly consisted of people who could twist themselves into a pretzel while looking great at the same time, and I sure knew that was not me! I went anyways, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere that the relaxing music created. I also could not believe that I could actually hold some of the yoga poses. Monday kicked off the start of a six week yoga class. Marcie, the instructor introduced us to yoga, and she explained how yoga is important to your health. After the class was over I was glad that I had made it through the class, and I did not even have to be double jointed or pop my joints out of place once. (It will take some time for me learn the yoga technique, but I am up for the journey.) Do you know even men go to this class? They are pretty good at yoga. I was impressed!


Another class was I attended was Kick Fit. This was quite an experience. I really liked all of the punching and kicking. It really takes the stress right out of you. The people in this class were so much fun! I plan on going to this class regularly. This class can help anyone overcome the guilt of overeating, because you work those calories off quickly!


Even though I did not eat the best last weekend, I knew that I still had to weigh in on Wednesday. I had to get my act together in order to lose weight for the week. Frankly, I was scared to weight in, but I worked through the fear. This goes to show that one bad day or even a couple bad days do not have to derail your progress. You can decide to pick yourself back up and work harder than ever. I went to yoga and kick fit, and that was the trick. The workouts helped me refocus. Thank heavens! I know that exercise and eating healthy go hand in hand, and that you cannot choose only one. I know when I leave one of these out for a longer period of time the weight will slowly creep up on me.


I went shopping last weekend, so I did more than just eat out. Maybe walking through the departments stores helped burn some calories. I bought a new outfit a couple sizes smaller than usual. I felt good in my new brightly colored outfit.


Now I am back in the saddle, onward to week nine!



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