Friday, February 28, 2014

Big vs Small Meals

I am taking a nutrition course at Vanderbuilt University through and found the topic of balanced nutrition from Dr. Benardot fascinating. He used the picture above as an example of our cellular capacity being the small cup and the pitcher being what we consume when we eat large meals. His theory is to eat and drink smaller amounts throughout the day so you keep your nutrient levels balanced. I know this is a controversial topic. I have even heard some doctors refer to it as grazing and not letting your digestive system get a break. Dr. Bernardot says that we should not let ourselves get hungry or thirsty, that we should consume water in timed intervals because by the time we feel thirsty, dehydration has already taken place. He says that if you consume too much food at once you risk toxicity, wasted energy, increased fat storage and can develop insensitivity to nutrients. If you take in too little it can lead to malfunction, poor metabolism, inadequate protective systems, and reduced cell life. Smaller meals at regular intervals makes sense to me. I know if I go too long without eating or drinking water, I'm in trouble. The cravings kick in and are so hard to overcome. The solution seems simple, but it actually takes planning and effort. It's easy to get busy and distracted and forget to eat until several hours have passed and you feel famished. I'm going to give this smaller, more frequent meals and timed intervals of water a try. I know I need to bring my water intake UP! I'm going to set the timer on my iPhone and drink a smaller amount of water rather than trying to drink 32 oz in a short period of time.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yoga Class

Yoga Class

One definition of yoga I found is:  “a system of exercise for mental and physical health.”  That description perfectly describes the yoga class that I went to Monday night at the YMCA. I was very skeptical about going to this class. My muscles and joints are so tight. I used to be limber when I was young, but not anymore. I was not sure what to expect when I walked into this class. I never thought that I could ever do yoga. When I arrived, two people from work, Kim and Teri, told me they were attending yoga that night as well. I never knew that I would run into them at the YMCA.  As I made my way into room they had gotten a mat and block out for me. I did not even know that I needed a mat, and I never knew yoga is done barefoot. Yes, I am really green when it comes to yoga.

When I went into the room the lights were dimmed and soft music was playing. I thought I really could get into liking this class! The instructor, Marcy, did a great job instructing the class. This was the first day of the new six weeks, and she explained yoga to all of the newbies, which definitely included me. Marcy explained that yoga is a great stress reliever, and as I was taking part in the class I could feel the release of the stress of the day. Marcy had us stand against a wall, and she wanted us to make sure our shoulder and hips were aligned straight with each other as we walked away from the wall for good posture. I have never really thought about good posture before. I also never took into consideration how important breathing and balance is in our overall health. At the end of the class I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep during the last 3 minutes of the cool down. I even felt better the next morning when I got up. Yoga is the way to go!

Marcy instructs yoga at the YMCA on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:15. Come take part in improving your health in a relaxing environment. I guarantee that you will not regret it.




It's kind of ironic that the topic for my article for the Sunday, Chronicle-Tribune is "What to do when you Fall Off the Wagon" and that's exactly what I did today, fell off the wagon! I forgot to bring veggies or nuts with me when I went to a seminar today and I also didn't have water, so by the time the seminar was over I was hungry and dehydrated. By the time I went to the store, every salty and sweet treat I saw was calling my name. I gave in and bought some junk food, two of which are hard to resists: Sweet Southern BBQ Chips and Peanut M&Ms. So, I'm calling it a "free day" and having a couple slices of pizza too! I'm in a funk because of the stupid scales going up a couple pounds this week. I will be so glad when I can go back to weighing in once a month! Tomorrow will be a new day. I will clear my mind and get back on track, but tonight I'm giving in to the comfort food. :/


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Get Your Kids and Family to Eat Healthy featuring Angela Herrington Podcast Episode #6

Journey to Health Episode #6 features Great Weight Off Challenger, Angela Herrington, who is also an entrepreneur, nurse, author, blogger, and former administrator of the head start program where she was in charge of health and nutrition for pre-school children. She is also the mother of five children and on a journey to improve her health and guide her family to a healthier lifestyle. She is blogging about her wellness journey on her website

My experience with getting my family to eat healthier has definitely been a process and a journey. Since I became a vegetarian two years ago, they are suspicious of every food dish I make and want to know if it's "real." I feel that my role is to make sure they are aware of the truth when it comes to food. I have studied nutrition extensively for the past two years and feel a moral obligation to share what I learn with my family and community. Whether they choose to listen to the information is completely up to them of course, but I sure wish I would have known even some of the truth I have learned when it comes to nutrition and our food source.

If you are reading this blog, that means you care about your health and your family's health. I highly recommend that you listen to this podcast and apply Angela's tips that resonate with you.


Healthy Nutrition for Kids Resources:

Click here for a link to Angela's recap of her interview with additional resources.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kick Fit Class

What a fun group of Kick Fitters!

Going to Kick Fit class at the YMCA was quite an experience. The class lasted 45 minutes, and the time just flew by! People from all ages attended the class, which I really liked. I have to say that Kick Fit is one of my favorite classes that I have went to, and I am going back this week for a second round of a hard, intense workout.

The people that came to this class were such a fun group. Laura, the Kick Fit instructor, kept us moving the whole time. I also loved the upbeat music that Laura picked out for the class. The music helped me keep up with the rhythm of the punches and kicks, and it distracted me from the intensity of the workout. This class was not about protecting yourself against crime, but I sure felt like I learned some options on how to protect myself. J I never knew there were so many different kinds of punches. I also consider all the jabbing and punching and kicking a good stress reliever. This would definitely be the class to go to if you need to get in a good workout and if you need to release some stress.
By the time this class was over I was pooped out. I think after Kick Fit was finished for the night that nobody better mess with the people in this group, because we know how to protect ourselves with all of the punching and kicking we did!

Come on over to the YMCA to the Kick Fit class and have a good time. The classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45pm to 5:30pm.

OCD Impulsive Behavior

I think you know whether you have impulsive tendencies and/or obsessive compulsive disorder or not. I have never been diagnosed with OCD, but I know I have impulsive tendencies. It's almost a joke in my family to turn the canned food upside down to see how long it takes me to notice it. I can tell you it's right away and to leave it upside down bothers me on some level I do not understand. I cannot leave it that way. It must be ordered. I started doing the same thing with hand sanitizer several years ago, where everything I touched made me think of germs and I used hand sanitizer if I couldn't wash my hands immediately. I got a grip on that and don't have to use the hand sanitizer anymore, although I still carry it and/or baby wipes in my purse. Even though the OCD has subsided, I still struggle with impulsive behavior sometimes, especially when it comes to food. I cannot have junk food around me. Chips, cookies, candy, any of those things seem to call my name and the temptation to eat it becomes too great. Impulsive behavior has caused much grief in my life and contributed greatly to my becoming 150 lbs overweight.

I used to have an issue with impulsive spending too. If something was 50%-75% off, I would buy it just because it was such a good deal, even if I didn't need it. I cannot count the number of times I have went shopping for one or two things and came out of the store with a cart full of merchandise, sometimes forgetting to get the very thing I went into the store to get.

I realized that the behavior was not helping me, so I set out to change it. I still struggle with impulsive behavior from time to time, but nowhere near the level that it used to. I read somewhere that OCD is common in creative people. I would like to think that's it. It is more likely due to feeling I had no control as a child. Either way, impulsive and compulsive behavior does not benefit me and is something I deliberately set out to change about ten years ago. Like everything to do with getting healthy, it is a work in progress complete with momentary setbacks. It takes determination and patience to change any negative behavior.

Awareness is the first step in changing any behavior that you want to change. A willingness to change is the second step. Sometimes our impulsive behavior brings us a false sense of security. In order to change it, we have to separate the behavior from our identity. That is where I am at now. I love Joyce Meyer's message about implusive behavior. She says that thoughts will creep up, but a "tadpole doesn't have to become a frog." I agree! I believe that what we focus on expands and what we resist persists. For me to turn off the impulsive behavior, I have to focus on something that benefits the greater good. That is what I am doing now. I am focusing on turning my health around, focusing on helping myself and those who want to join the journey to live a healthier and happier life. That is what I want to expand. Thank God for people like Joyce Meyer who have faith, strength, and bold courage to not only change their own life, but to help others along the way. She inspires me to want to do the same. That's an obsessive compulsive behavior I can live with.

If you struggle with impulsive or compulsive behavior or even if you want to understand a little more how lift yourself up and live a healthier, happier life, listen to Joyce's messages and apply what resonates with you!


Monday, February 24, 2014


Monday, the word strikes dread for millions of people who hate their job. I have worked at several places where when you ask someone how they are doing on Monday, they say they can't wait until Friday. I've had that thought myself at a couple jobs. I never lasted long at places like that. Some people can turn off their job from their personal life, but for me, it's all meshed together. I believe that if we are in a job we despise that it affects our health. Life is too short to be miserable. I understand that the bills have to be paid and that there is a sacrifice to be made if you give up a steady paycheck, but that doesn't stop us from searching for purpose and meaning in our life and putting out resumes to places we would rather work. I think even just the search helps you feel more in control of your life. It's when we feel out of control that the stress can take over and send us on a downward spiral. There is no better day than Monday to gauge how things are going in  your life. Are you looking forward to Monday or do you dread it? If it's the former, you're on the right track. If it's the latter, it's time for change.

I used to think of Monday as a mini-new year, a time of fresh starts. The problem was I would neglect myself all week long and then think I could start over on Monday. I realize now that it's all accumulative and takes a long time to reverse the effects of neglect of our body by consuming junk food and lack of exercise. Mondays are no longer a starting over time for me, but a time to continue on the journey, to gauge whether I'm on the right track, to make plans for a brighter future, and to take action that will help me reach my goals. Mondays are now more of a road map. Where am I going? What am I doing to get there? Who can help me along the way? Who can I help along the way?

I hope Monday is good to you and life is everything you hope it could be. If it isn't, then use your road map and start your journey. Good health and the adventure of a lifetime awaits you!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Lesson on Diabetes

Kathy, Julie, Judy, and Kimberly Jeffries

Working to get out of the two hundreds is quite a challenge. I have to keep reminding myself that I need to focus on one goal at a time. This was a good week for me. Never give up; never surrender is my new phrase for this year. I have given up drinking pop, and I have been drinking a lot of water. I have also been focusing more on portion control. This is my new lifestyle, and I believe that it is working for me.

The lifestyle that I have been living mirrors the healthy choices that Kimberly Jeffries R.N., C.D.E. gave us during our meeting, which was recorded and is listed as episode #5 on our podcast page. She explained the importance of portion control and daily balance during our meeting. I wanted to stand up and clap! This is the lifestyle that works for me. Kimberly told us how diabetes is changing the lives of more and more people every day. There are people that have diabetes who do not even know it.

Here are some of the possible symptoms of diabetes/hyperglycemia

·         Blurred vision

·         Fatigue or drowsiness

·         Extreme thirst and or hunger

·         Increased urination (especially at night)

·         Sudden unexplained weight loss

·         Non healing wounds

When I was a little girl, I saw my grandmother give herself insulin shots in her hip, arm, and stomach.  She said the shot never hurt, but when I looked at the needle I almost passed out. She was a fantastic cook, and she loved cooking for her family. She struggled daily with diabetes.  Some of my family members have diabetes, so I felt like I knew a lot about diabetes, but Kimberly taught me so much more about this growing epidemic.  When I worked at a school I helped take care of a child who had diabetes.  I really enjoyed being a part of that student’s life.  Sometimes I could see my grandmother’s face when she was getting a shot of insulin. She was so young and so strong. I admire that little girl that worked hard to eat a balanced diet. She did very well for her age. I look back now, and I need to be more like this little girl. She inspired me, and I need to follow her example.  Kimberly also inspired me to work on improving my diet. Kimberly explained a lot to us about how to control diabetes and how to eat healthy to prevent or manage diabetes. Knowledge is power, whether you are trying to prevent diabetes all together or whether you are trying to prevent it from taking over your health. I love when she said “You cannot starve diabetes down.” You need to eat, and you have to eat on time. This is a lifestyle we all should live by, even if we do not have diabetes. We all need to come together, and help each other learn more about this health crisis that is affecting our community.

I would like to thank Marion General Hospital and Kimberly for taking the time to teach us all a valuable lesson about diabetes. Kimberly saves lives every day by passing on her knowledge to those around her, and we are very grateful to have people like Kimberly that work to promote healthy living in our community!      Julie


Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 51st birthday. My husband took me to Mammoth Cave to celebrate. Somewhere warm he said. I'm always ready to go somewhere I've never been before. I love new adventures. See all those stairs? I was feeling it by the time the tour was over and it reminded me why I'm on this journey. I want to continue enjoying things like this as I age. I don't want to be sitting on the sidelines because it's hard to get around. So as a gift to myself I am going to continue to eat clean and keep moving. Happy birthday to me! Good health is the best gift we can give ourselves. 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

For the Love of Basketball

My dad loved playing and watching basketball. He played when he was young, and the love of the game never left his heart. He loved watching his grandkids play basketball, and he loved watching basketball on TV. My family and I went to a basketball game that was hosted at the Swayzee gymnasium where the Oak Hill Boys basketball team honored past basketball players. Korbin Cruea, a starting guard at Oak Hill, wore my dad’s 1953 basketball jacket when the team came out on the floor. It was as if my sisters and I went back in time to watch our dad play basketball. The team even wore basketball uniforms and tall tube socks designed by Korbin’s father that looked like the Swayzee Basketball team that won in 1964. My dad played before 1964, but Korbin wore my dad’s jacket as he ran out to lead his team. My dad was also a starting guard 63 years ago for the Swayzee Speed Kings. As we watched the excitement of the crowd when the players ran out on the basketball floor, we began to understand why our dad loved the game so much. My two sisters, Rhonda and Darlene, pictured with Korbin were so excited to relive that time in history. My other sister, Norma was proudly watching her grandchildren at their basketball games the same Saturday.

It is so important to take the time to honor the ones that you love in your life. If you are a parent or a grandparent, you should support your family in all their endeavors. As I watched Korbin’s dad and mom, I saw how proud they were of their son when he was playing in the game. Our family needs to know that we will be there for them through thick or thin in life. Let them know that you care and love them.  

Thank you Oak Hill Basketball team for honoring the teams, both past and present, and for bringing the Swayzee gym back to life in so many ways.


Ivan Key
We miss you Dad


Motivational and inspirational videos, quotes, books, podcasts, and people - are all helping me get to where I need to be. I know if I am to succeed, I have to want it as much as I want to breathe!

Here are some quotes from the video the resonated with me. Please comment below on the quotes that resonate with YOU!

"What drives you?"

"If you are not pursuing your goal, you are committing spiritual suicide."

"When you have some goal that you are stretching for and reaching for that takes you out of your comfort zone, you will find out some talents and abilities that you have that you didn't know you have."

"Greatness is a lot of small things done well, day after day, workout after workout, obedience and obedience, day after day."

"what are the reasons that you can think of that can keep you strong?"

"Allow your pain to push you from where you are to where you want to be, embrace your pain, push yourself."

"If there is no enemy within the enemy outside can do us no harm."

"When life knocks you down, try to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up."

"Say yes to your dreams."

"Leave no dreams or opportunities left behind."

"You got to want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe."

"If it was easy, everyone would do it."

"Harness your will."

"Today is the only important day."

I also want to share one of my favorite poems with you. I had this hanging on my wall for years. I think it's time to post it up again!

by Berton Braley

If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it.

If only desire of it
Makes you quite mad enough
Never to tire of it,
Makes you hold all other things tawdry and cheap for it
If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about it,
If gladly you’ll sweat for it,
Fret for it,
Plan for it,
Lose all your terror of God or man for it.

If you’ll simply go after that thing that you want.
With all your capacity,
Strength and sagacity,
Faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity,
If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness nor pain
Of body or brain
Can turn you away from the thing that you want,
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it,
You’ll get it!

# # #

We got this!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Renew Your Mind

Life is going to beat you down sometimes, that's a given. You are going to be disappointed, you are going to get off track and think negative thoughts. How it all affects you, especially long-term, is your choice.

The way out of the darkness of disappointment, negativity, worry and depression for me has always been a constant renewing of my mind. At first I wasn't aware of how powerful this is and I would happen upon it by attending a seminar and listening to a speaker like Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Henry Cloud, or Dan Allender. Maybe it was by listening to an audio CD like the ones that come in Success Magazine or maybe it was from reading a book like, "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay.

Somewhere along the way, I began to realize that this information was helping me think differently. It was helping me control the "stinkin' thinkin'" as Zig Ziglar called it. Listening to these faith-based leaders led me to a deeper understanding of the mind, body, spirit connection and how God works in our life. Once I made the connection that this information was helping to renew my mind, I began to listen to it on a daily basis and my life has been forever changed in a positive way.

I can tell when I miss a few days of renewing my mind because everyday stresses starts to affect me, the cravings return, I begin to question things that I previously thought were the right path for me. Worry and depression washes over me and tries to settle in. The temptation to wallow in my sorrows becomes quite strong if I stay in this zone for too long. It's not a safe place for me. Renewing my mind has become my safe haven, my way of climbing out of the pit of despair. I realize that it's not a one time climb. It's a daily journey.

One of my favorite ways to renew my mind is to listen to Joyce Meyer broadcasts. I can relate to her on so many levels. I too was abused as a child and am forever grateful that she talks about it publicly. It is through her that I was able to share my story and let the secrets out that had been haunting me and making me feel like a victim. Through Joyce I learned the power of forgiveness to set myself free. I continue to learn from her all the time. She encourages us to not just be "spoon-fed" information and messages, but to study the Bible ourselves and renew our mind daily.

When I renew my mind, I want all the other good things in my life too. I want to nourish my body with whole, plant-based, nutritious foods. I want to exercise, move around, get some fresh air and sunshine. I want to live my best life and I want to inspire others to live their healthiest, happiest life too. It all starts with the mind.

What do YOU do to renew your mind?


Below is a link to the message from Joyce I listened to today. It always seems to be just what I need to hear. Today she reminds us to not dwell in self-pity, but to renew our mind and set our spirit free...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Granny Bikes


Another story from this past summer:

I have not ridden a bike in a long time. The last time I rode a bike I said “Forget this!” This fat stomach of mine just gets in the way. I bought a granny bike that had a large seat.  I forgot how to stop a bike that did not have hand brakes.  I remembered real quickly.  The first night I rode four and a half miles. My daughter tricked me into riding this far. I was tired but I was glad that I made it. The next night I decided to ride four and a half miles again, but my daughter suggested that we go another two and a half miles.  No Way! “It will be easy,” she said.  She told me that the next two and a half miles were going to be flat, and that there were no dogs. So on I went, there were hills, but I did not see any dogs. However, my daughter said to be quiet past one of the houses so that we did not wake up the three large dogs.  I was not pleased in the least!  I went to work the next day, and I proudly let my coworkers know that I had rode six and a half miles the night before. I made it out of bed ok, even though I had to take some ibuprofen in the morning. It could have been worse.

The next week we decided to ride our bikes on the Sweetser Switch Trail. I had my granny bike ready to enjoy the smooth ride down the paved walkway. As I was riding, ten bike riders approached us. All ten wore spandex and matching helmets. They looked like they were on a mission. As they passed us, some of them said hi, but when they thought they were far enough away that I could not hear them one biker exclaimed, “Wow, now that is a workout.” I think they were making fun of my new granny bike!  I rode a few miles, and when I turned back around I saw those same bikers siting down on the pavement. As I approached one biker had taken a fall and luckily he was ok. He was resting, but he looked a little dizzy. I rode my granny bike right past them. My crazy granny bike may not be built for the Olympics but it does just fine!

Moral to this story: It does not matter what you do for exercise or how you exercise. People may make fun of you, but sometimes making fun of someone comes back to haunt you! Just keep on pedaling up that mountain!


That One Special Place

We all have that one special place where we can go to connect with our place in the world and our spirit. A place that makes us feel small, yet significant. A place that helps our spirit soar and helps us acknowledge the child within us. A place of healing and renewing of the mind, body and soul. For me that place is Mounds State Park. I have always felt a special connection to Mounds. It's my favorite place to hike and think. I can't wait for my first visit of the year. I get an annual pass every year that I can use at all the state parks. It's one of the best investments in nature and my health that I can make. I take my grandchildren to Mounds several times throughout the year. I want to share my love of nature, Native American history, and the park with them. I see many symbols of life there too, like the stairs that goes through the woods. You don't have to know where it leads you just have to take the first step, one step at a time and you will reach your destination. Just like our health, it is a journey. 

I hope you get the opportunity to visit Mounds State Park one day and commune with nature because it is there that you realize we are here for such a short time and it is in enjoying the beauty that surrounds us that makes us feel most alive. 

Wishing You Abundant Health & Happiness, 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Do You Have DIABETES? Kim Jeffries, RN, CDE of MGH Podcast Episode #5

Kim Jeffries of MGH has 30 years experience working as a registered nurse and certified diabetes educator. She shares a wealth of knowledge in this podcast, everything from what causes diabetes to symptoms, treatments, and prevention. In this episode, you will learn about the staggering statistics, diabetes risks, types of diabetes, and ways to control diabetes.

I had several aha moments from Kim's presentation including when she said that diabetes doesn't bend to your schedule and that you can't starve sugar down. I also never thought about "sugar-free" products having "carbs" that converts to sugar. I'm glad I don't drink soda pop, Kim said drinking a regular can of pop is like taking some water and adding 12 teaspoons of sugar! 

I am at risk of diabetes because it runs in my family and I am overweight. It was a wake-up call listening to Kim because she said many people walk around with diabetes and don't even realize it because they confuse or get used to the symptoms - such as fatigue, extreme thirst and/or hunger, increased urination, and non-healing wounds. I think it's time to get checked again. I haven't had a test in several years.  

Please listen and share with those you know who have or are at risk of getting diabetes. You never know who's life it could save! 


Walking with Friends

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.   Eleanor Roosevelt

I did a couple 5k walks this summer, and I plan to do more. I have met the most inspirational people on these walks.  The story below is one that I want to share with you from this summer.

As 3:00 p.m. approached on a nice Saturday afternoon the thought of just taking a long nice nap felt so appealing to me.  But no, I had signed up for a 5k walk. The money from the walk benefited a shelter for women, so this helped motivate me.  I kept complaining about going to my daughter.  “Why did you sign me up for this on my day off? I want to enjoy the day and not go on a walk where I don’t know anyone. You are going to run, and leave me to walk all by myself.” (I am starting to see what a complainer I am). As we approached at the starting line I noticed women of all shapes and sizes, but mostly of the women were in shape unlike me.  What was I doing at this 5k?  As the mayor of the town spoke he yelled the words, “on your marks, get set go!”  Almost everybody started running…..even the walkers.  Go figure, and I was one of the few women at the end of the race.  This is crazy I said to myself.  I hate being here.  To top it all off two young women were beside me talking like valley girls.  They were skinny as a rail, and one girl was talking that she just had a baby a few weeks ago.  The next thing I noticed was that they were laughing.  They were laughing and looking at me. They walked faster to pass me while looking back laughing as to why an overweight lady was all by herself was in this race. They made me enjoy this walk so much more. NOT!

Now that I was the last person walking, an older lady dropped back and was really working hard just to walk.  She told me that she just had surgery on her legs, and they told her to walk for her health otherwise she could get blood clots and not live much longer.  As I walked with her she told me about herself and her family, and she was such a joy to walk with.  Then there were two walkers that had slowed down also, and they joined us. Both ladies looked like they could easily be running the race instead of walking. One started telling us her story of how she had a heart attack and one massive heart attack when she was only 45 years old. Heart disease runs in her family.  She is now on six medications and working to keep her weight down.  She just wants to live. As we all four walked the remaining miles together we encouraged each other with every step.  We all wanted to make it across that finish line.  When we made it to the finish line, all four of us ladies held hands and crossed that line together. Four strangers had come together for an hour, all four with different lives and different reasons to walk for our health. Those women inspired me to look at myself in a new way.  I loved going to that walk.  I never knew it would turn out this way. You would have thought that we knew each other for years. I am so thankful that I went on this walk and met those ladies who inspired me to continue walking, and it didn’t matter whether we were first or last place. We finished with a gold trophy for life!


Monday, February 17, 2014

FEAR: The Real Reason Diets Don't Work

The Real Reason Diets Don't Work? FEAR
Fear is a prison.
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, 
do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." ~ Dale Carnegie

I get it. I understand why diets don't work, why people always fall off the wagon. For the past couple days, negative emotions have been coming at me like a freight train. Thoughts, doubts, questioning everything I am, have ever been, and hope to be - erupting out of me like molten lava. Every other time in my life for as long as I can remember, I numbed those feelings out with food. What do I do now that I don't have that crutch? Pray. Yes, I can and do pray often, but in the moment of intense cravings even prayer seems little comfort compared to doughnuts, french fries and sweet tea. I swear the devil works through those foods, tempting me, fooling me, telling me everything will be alright, and so I kept stuffing my face until my stomach hurt so bad that the physical pain became my main focus. No longer was I focusing on my relationship or finances which were rapidly declining. Well, I'm standing naked confronting my issues now and it scares the hell out of me. I want to turn away, but there is nowhere to hide.

I have turned a corner onto a foggy street and am filled with fear, but the road behind me looks much scarier because I know where it leads - to a DEAD end marked by a stagnant life, illness and disease. I don't want to go back to that place. Life beckons me. So, I tiptoe forward into the unknown even though it will continue to lead me down dark streets. Lord help me. Faith is my guiding light, my way out of the darkness. Exercise is my comfort now. Plant-based food is my rocket fuel. I am going for a swim today, knowing that will clear up my thinking. Stay hydrated and stay focused.

I can do this. We can do this. We have to save our own life and the only way to do that is to keep marching forward, even through the storm.


"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Enjoying Family and Life!

I was so happy last week for losing over 3.2 pounds, but this week I ate back part of one of those pounds! Megan Gilmore of Lark’s Song spoke to our group this week at the Centrum Mall about food addictions and how to have a healthy relationship with food. It was such an inspirational class. One statement she said was to talk to your body. Well, I had a good talk with mine and this pound and other pounds have got to go bye bye! I really wanted to talk to my scale and tell it off! But, I have to be positive and keep on working to achieve my goal weight.  Next week I am hoping to have a more encouraging weight loss.

This week I went to spin class and water aerobics at the YMCA, and I enjoyed them both. What I saw at the YMCA this week impressed me. I saw husbands and wives working out together. I saw families come together in the cold to participate in the Walk a Mile in My Shoes event hosted by the YMCA. I also saw families taking time to show their children the value of exercise and spending time with one another. I watched a father in the pool with his young children playing with them in the water for over an hour while I was walking laps in the lap pool. You would have thought that these children were at Disney World. The smile on their faces was priceless. When my kids were little I loved to ride bikes and take walks with them. It is so important to share a healthy lifestyle with your family.

I grew up working on a farm with my family, and we were always in shape from the exercise that we got taking care of the farm on a daily basis. We always had a big garden, and I hated it when I grew up. I hated picking beans and working in the garden. I did not like spending my summers getting up at 5:00 in the morning to hoe the bean fields. I look back now, and my parents were keeping us in shape. I always claimed that they had four kids just so they could have hired hands. That never went over well with my dad. Even though we worked hard, we were together as a family learning the importance of being healthy.

I need to get back to my roots and go back to how I was raised. It seems like I have strayed from that lifestyle. Now I try to stay focused on my future and make new memories while learning from the past.  Guess what my family did last year, and will do again this year? We planted a garden! What a blast from the past! I did not think that this was such a great thing when I was younger.

The pictures in this article reflect family and fun times. Losing weight and working to improve our health does not have to be boring and a hassle.  Make it a lifestyle for your family, and your family will admire you for it, although they may not thank you for it until they get older.

I want to thank our sponsors, MGH, YMCA, and the Chronicle-Tribune for sponsoring us in The Great Weight Off. It has changed my life in so many ways. It has not only helped motivate me to lose weight, it has changed my whole outlook. Thank you for giving me back my life.


Getting Your Family Healthy

Our children watch what we do whether we realize it or not. I didn't realize this when I was raising my kids. I didn't know that because I worked at the Y and spent a lot of my free time there playing volleyball, doing step aerobics, swimming, strength training, etc. that my daughter was paying such close attention that she would become a personal trainer and have a passion for fitness.

On the other hand, my son and husband aren't that interested in pursuing a healthy lifestyle. My son has never really enjoyed exercise or sports, unless you count watching MMA. He followed more in his dad's footsteps when it comes to exercise and nutrition. Although my husband did play volleyball, he never has been interested in conventional exercise. He is very active and can hardly sit still for more than a few minutes at a time, unless he is fishing. His philosophy is that he has cheated death many times (cancer, heart attack, crushed, serious vehicle accident...) and isn't going to stop “living” which to him means he's not giving up the food he enjoys eating and he's not giving up his vices like coffee, soda pop, and cigarettes. I think it's a choice he makes just like we all make.

I see my role as a parent to learn the truth about health and wellness and to share it with my family in talk and walk. If I am serious about living a healthy lifestyle, what am I doing to prove it? Am I just learning and talking about it or am I taking action every day to get healthier. I have studied wellness as long as I can remember. I “wished” to be at optimal health, but I wanted both worlds.

I ate what I wanted when I wanted it, even if it was midnight. I exercised when I felt like it. I didn't really push myself. If I had to get on the treadmill or stationary bike, I wanted to read a book while I was doing it. I took pride in my multitasking ability. But, what took me years to figure out is I wasn't getting anywhere with this approach. Einstein's definition of insanity started to sink in: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

If I want to get healthy, I must consistently do the things that I know works which is to vigorously exercise 30-60 minutes a day and eat for fuel, not to fill a void that is brought on from other things such as a spiritual need, loneliness, stress, not getting enough sleep, or dehydration. Now I am aware of these things and I work on them every day. This is the year of consistency. In the past, I have given half-effort to living a healthy lifestyle. I worked out here and there, ate clean here and there. It's those gaps that gets you!

I know the best way to get my family on board with a healthy lifestyle is by me being committed to a healthy lifestyle through making healthy food choices, working on my personal development, and finding things for us to do that are active, like going on a hike instead of going to a movie, going swimming at the Y instead of being bored at home, inviting them to join me in fundraiser walks like the one we did last week for the Grant County Rescue Mission.

I share what I learn with my family and set the example for them to follow by walking my talk. What they choose to do is up to them, but I know whether they say anything or not, they are paying attention.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Temptation 10, Consumption 2

The urge to eat junk food was very strong today. On a scale of 1-10, I was at a 10. Fortunately, I stopped by the health food store instead of the McDonald's drive through. To make matters worse, I really had to pee and the health food store directed me to McDonald's next door. And I went there! Imagine having a craving of 10 and going inside the fast-food place without getting anything. I'm here as proof it can be done!

I ended up buying and eating some "vegan junk food" which was carob covered almonds and ginger candy chews. Not what most would consider junk food, but when you're overcoming food addiction and trying to transform your life, it's the little things that can derail you, or me at least. I ate a handful of the almonds and about 10 of the candies before I reeled it in and stopped eating before it became a full-blown binge. That's how it always started before. A few pieces of candy led to more sugar cravings and before I realized what was happening I had consumed more junk food in one day than most people on the Standard American Diet eat in a week.

I am so grateful the binge days are behind me, but I am always aware that the temptation is there. It is through faith and awareness that I believe my life is forever changed. Thank God. It is such a relief. I am getting stronger everyday.


P.S. I am sure I could have stopped the intense craving altogether had I drank a big glass of water first. I realized I was thirsty as I was driving to the store and again after I ate the candy. I normally carry water in the car with me, but it was frozen. Maybe it will thaw out when our 40 degree heat wave comes next week!

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I have always loved the movie, The Wizard of Oz. I have seen the new Wizard of Oz, Oz the Great and Powerful, three times. When I was a little girl the movie would always be on TV around Easter. My mom would pop popcorn, and we would all sit around the TV and watch this fun movie. When VCRs came around, I thought, “Wow I could watch this movie anytime I wanted!” My mom bought the movie, and the grandkids always loved coming over and watching it together. The Wizard of Oz, if you think about it, has a good meaning if you can see beyond that evil witch. The quote in the movie sparked a new blog idea in my head. “You’ve always had the power my dear; you just had to learn it for yourself.”

You do have the power to become who you want to be. You are the only one that can hold yourself back from were you want to go. You have a choice, and you have to make the right one. You can make the choice to hold yourself back, or you can chose to let yourself live up to your full potential. We have to believe in our minds that we will get healthier and live life to its fullest. This journey is part of a learning experience, and it is an experience that can add years to our lives and make us happier people. We have the power to make that change. Come join me. Do you want to go to Kansas with your Ruby Slippers? All you have to do is believe you have the power to change. Let’s walk down that yellow brick road together!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Self-Love Day to YOU

Something Megan Gilmore (life coach on podcast #4) said really resonated with me and that is to take "exquisite" care of yourself. So often we focus on everyone else around us and forget to show the same love and concern for ourselves. We hear take care of yourself all the time. It almost sounds cliche and is passed over in our mind like a "How are you" greeting to which we reply "Good," no matter how we feel in the moment. "Take exquisite care of yourself" makes you pause to think about what that means. To me it means spending time on things that make me feel special and beautiful inside and out.

Nothing reminds us of the need for love as much as Valentine's Day, although it's often focused on our significant other and other loved ones, which is fine, but what if there were a day where we focused on ourselves? A day where we take exquisite care of ourselves. What if that happened every day? Do you think it would make a difference? I do!

If we want to be able to love others, I believe we have to start with loving ourselves. How do we talk to ourselves? Is it disabling or empowering? It starts in our mind. We have to believe we are deserving of love and if we don't feel that way, we need to get to the root of why we don't. Is there forgiveness that needs to take place? Do we need some quiet time and space to explore the things that makes us happy?

I think we're all in different places on our journey, but we do have a commonality in that if we do one simple thing to show ourselves that we care about our mind, body and spirit, that one simple thing is like a spike in the side of a mountain. It gives us the leverage we need to keep climbing. It keeps us from falling off track.

If we focus on taking exquisite care of ourselves, it leaves little room for the negative emotions to take root. Showing kindness to ourselves enables love to bloom so that we can share it with others. I believe self-love is the path to living our healthiest and happiest life. When we sow the seeds of love within our own soul and nourish it with "exquisite" care, it will bloom and positively influence those around us in ways we could have never imagined.

So, in honor of Valentine's Self-Love Day, I am nourishing my body with vibrant, life-giving foods. I am going to put on some music and dance. Next, I'm going to paint my fingernails and toenails. I haven't done that in a really long time. Then, I'm going to look in the mirror, smile at the reflection looking back at me and say, I LOVE YOU, unconditionally.

I hope YOU give yourself the gift of self-love too, today and every day!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Walk a Mile


I did not want to wake up Saturday morning to walk in the cold. The weather was not good, and the sidewalks were slick. I asked my daughter if the walk was canceled because of the weather, and the reply that I got was, “This is what it is like for the homeless, no, it is not canceled the walk is still on.” The more I thought about that comment the more I realized what the homeless have to endure on a daily basis. My heart broke thinking about all of those people who are homeless and cold. I only walked a mile; they walk outside because that is all that they can do at this point in their life.

My friend was telling me the other day that when she went to Indianapolis she saw so many homeless people on the overpasses. It was so cold out that night. She could not even enjoy that trip to Indianapolis due to the thought of the people that have nothing.

When I got to the Walk a Mile in My Shoes walk I could not believe how many people showed up to participate. The walk was slippery, but it was a learning experience. Before the walk they offered the walkers granola bars, doughnuts, and something to drink. After the walk they supplied a wide selection of food items. It was a wonderful lunch! The New Life Community Church made over 400 sandwiches, and yes, they even had cheese, vegetables and fruit!  I took a picture (above) of some of the hard workers at the walk. The volunteers were so kind, and they helped everyone forget about the cold. I am going to attend this event every year. I want to help others, and this is one way that I can be a part of something that helps raise awareness for the less fortunate in our community.  It is also encouraging to see the individuals who are willing to go the extra mile to help others in their time of need.

God bless them all!



Why bother with this journey after 50 years of being overweight? Why fight the odds? Why struggle? I could write a book on the answer to the question WHY, but tonight I will hone in on one reason. Because someone I love very much is addicted to drugs and it is destroying him. In my mind I think, if I can overcome 50 years of food addiction, maybe, just maybe, it will give him hope that he can overcome his addiction too. I pray for him and for all who struggle with addictions of any kind. It's such a debilitating disease. It takes everything, including your life if you let it. I am holding on to my WHY. It is powering me right past the cravings. I'm doing this for myself and I'm doing it for him. I'm staying the course for all who want to change, but have little hope that they can. I am a warrior. I am hope. I am faith reborn. Stay strong.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Having Fun in Water Aerobics!


Do you like to swim? If you do, then you should try water aerobics. I love to swim. My family thinks that I should have been a fish. I could stay in the water all day! Water aerobics was one class I was excited to go to.  I did exercises that I have never done before in the pool. I have a pool at home, and I have exercised in it every summer, but it doesn’t even compare to water aerobics at the YMCA.  

The instructors name is Mari. She has such a welcoming personality! She was fun and talked with all of us throughout the class. It was like taking an exercise class with a best friend. You could tell she has never met a stranger, and she wanted to help everyone become healthier versions of ourselves. Can you believe that you can “ski” in the pool, do jumping jacks, and use resistance weights all while jogging in the pool? Our class jogged around in a circle in the pool, and then she had us jog in reverse. This is a lot harder than it sounds because when we switched directions we were going against the current that we all had created by jogging the other way. It was not easy walking against the current. Sometimes I felt like I was in an undertow, (just kidding), but it was fun.

I met some really nice individuals, and we all laughed a lot. That is what I love about this class. You do not have to worry about what you look like in a swim suit. Everyone is there to become healthier and have a good time with friends. Thanks Mari for making this a fun class. I cannot wait to go back this Friday!

Classes for Water Aerobics at the YMCA with Mari are: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 5:30 to 6:30. Come join in the fun!



What do you do to relieve stress? I do a lot of things - write, exercise, pray, meditate, take deep breaths, do affirmations... but some days the only thing that helps is MUSIC! Music reaches places in my soul that nothing else can. I turn on the music and it takes me away from the moment to a memory of being young or maybe it's a new song that helps me get out of my head and focus on the beat. It works almost every time. I feel my mood lift and before it's over, my feet and shoulders are moving, my head is bouncing and I'm out of the funk. Some days Pandora is my best friend!

What are your favorite songs that help you de-stress and maybe even make you want to dance? Here are a few of my favorite songs that help me unwind. Maybe they will help you too!

Music is such a beautiful gift. I appreciate and love the music-makers of the world.


Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Iz Kamakawiwo'ole  

 Unwritten by Natasha Bedinfield  

 Happy by Pharrell Williams

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Journey to Health with Julie & Kathy featuring Megan Gilmore OVERCOMING FOOD ADDICTIONS Episode #4

Wow, where do I start with all the great information Megan provided for us in this podcast?! One of the biggest take-a-ways for me was using the acronym HALT to determine what is really going on when you have a food craving. H = Hungry, A = Anxious, L = Lonely, T = Tired. Megan also shares many tips for overcoming food addiction including journaling, finding support and accountability partners, affirmations, exercise, and even scream therapy. I may give that one a try sometime! Get your notepad ready because you are going to learn some very effective tools to help you live a healthier and happier life!

Megan Gilmore is the owner of Lark's Song - a life coaching and consulting service located in Marion, Indiana. To learn more about Megan and find out about her upcoming classes, visit and

YMCA Spin Class

Ready, Set, Go…and away we went, in the YMCA spin class. Wow, how do I describe this class? I had a lot of fun riding the spin bike. The instructor was really fun, and she made the class go by fast. I felt like I had rode to Florida and back by the time the one hour class was finished. She cranked up the music and we did not stop for 60 minutes. It took my energy level to a new high! I never would have believed that there were so many ways to ride a bike! I even stood up and pedaled. I was dripping sweat the whole time. There is a little dial on the bike that you turn to up the resistance. You can make it feel like you are riding up a mountain. At times I thought I was riding up Pike’s Peak.

Bryce and Cindy Coryea, husband and wife, were spinning next to each other. I thought that was so neat that a couple was working out as a team. Don’t they look like a picture of health? I think they do!

This is one class I want to go back to because I do like to ride a bike, and I liked the way the class all worked together. We cheered each other on the whole time. No one was left behind. Then again, we never even left the room.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Cheese Soup

When it is cold outside, warm soup always tastes good, and it is freezing out. Did you know that if you eat soup before a main meal you could possibly eat less? I like to look through cookbooks and try different types of soups. My problem is that I like the creamy soups, and they are usually loaded with calories. I started thinking at how I could make cheese soup healthier so that I could eat it more often without feeling guilty. I started experimenting and looking in the grocery store for healthier cheese products. I found Healthy Request Cheddar Cheese Soup in a can. I took that and added in my favorite vegetables and skim milk to create a healthier alternative to what I was used to eating. I took a picture of the soup that I made, and if you would like to try making this, here is the recipe. I was happy with how the soup turned out.

 Cheese Soup

1 can Healthy Request Cheddar Cheese Soup

4 cups skim milk

5 potatoes diced

1 small onion diced

1 cup baby cut-up carrots

¼ teaspoon onion salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

Heat milk and cheddar cheese soup until  desired temperature. Cook vegetables separately until tender. Mix half of vegetables in a blender (to make soup thicker). Mix all together and cook on low heat. Serve and enjoy on a cold winter day!
